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Motivational Interviewing and Brief Interventions

Motivational Interviewing and Brief Interventions

Motivational interview (MI) is expected to be a client-centered counseling approach where the counselor is expected to give more room for the patient to open up and chat their way towards possible solutions to their problems (Van Hook, 2019). Therefore, after watching the first video on the bad MI role play, one cannot fail to see several weaknesses of the counselor in this first video clip. Firstly, it is evident that he does not listen to the patient and instead takes more time to talk because, from the moment the session started, the counselor talked for almost one minute before allowing the patient to speak (TheIRETAchannel, 2013a). Moreover, he spoke over her whenever the client tried to give her perspective. When using a motivational “reminder” card to examine the actions of this counselor, one can see that he listens less. He does not create room for the patient to decide on her preferred mode of treatment before giving his professional opinion. For example, he concludes that the patient cannot be given any medication for anxiety without informing her adequately (TheIRETAchannel, 2013a). He does not allow the patient to talk about why she is not changing and does not help her identify any successes in their past and relate them to present change efforts. The counselor is not sensitive and open to the person’s issues and does not try to understand the patient.

In the second video that shows the approaches used in the case of good MI, the counselor asks the client’s opinion by asking them to explain their drinking and what they drink in general. The therapist also allows the patient to describe their challenges and identify weaknesses, unlike when the doctor demoralizes them by only showing them failures (Van Hook, 2019). For instance, he asks the patient to explain what she thinks about her drinking behavior (TheIRETAchannel, 2013b). Also, he offers an example of a good counselor because he allows the patient to come up with the way forward on what to do as a solution to the prevailing challenge.


TheIRETAchannel (2013, July 11). Motivational Interviewing: A Bad Example (Presenter: Alan Lyme).[Video]. YouTube.

TheIRETAchannel (2013, July 18). Motivational Interviewing – Good Example – Alan Lyme. [Video]. YouTube.

Van Hook, M. P. (2019). Social Work Practice with Families: A Resiliency-Based Approach. United States: Oxford University Press.


We’ll write everything from scratch


Please watch both videos on good MI and bad MI role plays provided below. While watching, provide a critique of the counselor using motivational interviewing.

Motivational Interviewing and Brief Interventions

Motivational Interviewing and Brief Interventions

Your motivational “reminder” card (found in the module) will help assist you with this.

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