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Motivation of Personnel and Practical Reflection

Motivation of Personnel and Practical Reflection

Motivation is described as a group of factors activating, directing, and maintaining behaviors normally toward a specific set of objectives (Graham, 2012). The energy that makes people do things is motivation; it is the outcome of the fulfillment of specific needs so that there can be motivation to ensure that the objective is completed. However, requirements are different since people have different needs that encourage them. Depending on how motivated a person is it further ascertains the level of energy people are putting in their work, and therefore, the productivity standards are raised (Graham, 2012). The theories of motivation include; Maslow’s hierarchy of needs stating that needs are prioritized according to importance. Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory/Motivator-Hygiene identifies features of work encouraging satisfaction. McClelland’s Need Achievement Theory postulates that people consider success as achieving personal objectives instead of rewarding themselves. Most of the emergency management specialists are found at the state and local government levels (Graham, 2012). Also, there are numerous employers in the private sector, such as in hospitals and factories. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics states that the salaries of emergency management specialists range from about $29,000 to over $90,000 per annum.


Graham, S., & Weiner, B. (2012). Motivation: Past, present, and future.


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Motivation of Personnel and Practical Reflection

Motivation of Personnel and Practical Reflection

In this week’s discussion, answer the following questions… What is motivation? What factors must be considered in maximizing productivity? What are the various theories of motivation?

Over the past two weeks, you have shared where you want to work and why ( I would like to work for FEMA). This week, take a look at job prospects and outlook. For this week’s discussion research, go to the Bureau of Labor Statistics website, search for the specific job you are looking to acquire after graduation and discuss salary information, growth potential, and job outlook. Discuss how this compared with your expectations.

Number of pages: 1/2
References/sources: 1

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