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Module 08 Questions – Nuclear Fusion

Module 08 Questions – Nuclear Fusion

This discussion will focus on Question 2, “The sun has a continuous visual spectrum with dark absorption lines. The continuous spectrum is produced by the inner ____________ layer, while the dark absorption lines are produced by the thinner higher ____________layer.” My choice was “photosphere” and “chromosphere,” respectfully. Different parts of the sun glow differently depending on the temperature.

The sun appears solid to the naked eye, but it is actually composed of a gaseous state. The photosphere has sufficient density to emit light, yet it is not so dense that light cannot escape from it. The photosphere is responsible for the sunlight received on Earth. The photosphere produces a continuous spectrum (Seeds & Backman, 2018). The chromosphere comprises bright gases just above the photosphere. It is roughly a thousand times fainter than the photosphere. During a total solar eclipse, the chromosphere becomes visible to the naked eye as the moon obscures the photosphere. It manifests as a slender pink line, with the pink hue resulting from the combination of three prominent emission lines: the blue, red, and violet Balmer lines of hydrogen. Our assignment help will hone your writing prowess for papers that will awe your professors.

Dark absorption lines in the sun’s spectrum are caused by atoms in the sun’s chromosphere between the observer and the sun’s photosphere (Seeds & Backman, 2018). The photosphere’s denser layers produce black body radiation. The gases in the atmosphere of the sun, in this case, the chromosphere, absorb their wavelength and form dark absorption lines in the spectrum.

Remarkably, the module has clearly covered a wide range of topics about the sun, including its structure and atmosphere. The module questions help to gauge the level of understanding on the same and are helpful when revising the topic.


 Seeds, M. A. & Backman, D. (2018). ASTRO 3: Introductory astronomy. Cengage Learning.


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Nuclear Fusion

Nuclear Fusion

Discuss one or more questions from Module 8 Questions and why you answered them the way you did.
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Which kind of star below does NOT have nuclear fusion processes occurring in it? C

    1. Red giant.
    2. Main sequence.
    3. Pre-main sequence proto-star.
    4. Massive main sequence.
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