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Mobile Security

Mobile Security

Mobile Device Threats

Poor Password Hygiene

A study by Google revealed that half of Americans use similar passwords for multiple accounts (Platsis, 2020). This problematic approach can turn more catastrophic in devices containing both personal and company account sign-ins.


Sharing a password with coworkers increases the vulnerability of being attacked by internal and external intruders. Unfortunately, most employee prefers simple and memorable passwords, increasing their exposure to external attacks.

Insecure WIFI

Most people are not ready to use their cellular data while free wireless hotspots exist. Most of the public WIFIs are insecure and can potentially subject the user to immeasurable dangers.

Insecure WIFI

The public WIFIs are operated by technology experts who can readily maneuver them to suit their intended purpose (Raphael, 2021).

Ideal Mobile Security Settings

Instructions for Setting up Security Settings

Poor Password Hygiene

Insecure WIFI

Consequences of not Securing the Threats



Bendale, S. P., & Prasad, J. R. (2018, November). Security threats and challenges in the future

Mobile wireless networks. In 2018 IEEE Global Conference on Wireless Computing and Networking (GCWCN) (pp. 146-150). IEEE.

Platsis, (2020). The Latest Mobile Security Threats and How to Prevent Them. Security

Intelligence. Retrieved from:

Raphael (2021). 8 Mobile Security Threats You Should Take Seriously. Retrieved from:

Wang, Y., Hahn, C., & Sutrave, K. (2016, February). Mobile payment security, threats, and Challenges. In 2016 second international conference on mobile and secure services  (MobiSecServ) (pp. 1-5). IEEE.


We’ll write everything from scratch


Mobile Security

Mobile devices are always in the workplace and being used for both personal and company business. You have been asked to create an informative poster to display throughout the office that highlights ways to secure mobile devices and safety precautions. This poster will be seen by the entire company in hopes of empowering employees to protect themselves and the company from mobile breaches.

Mobile Security

Create a visual poster or infographic to display in the company’s break room. Include the following information:

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.

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