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Microbes in the News

Microbes in the News

H7N9 and H5N1, frequently called “bird flu,” have been widely reported in recent months. In particular, NCB News reported an increase in cases of avian flu in the USA. Since February, the USDA has confirmed the presence of the highly pathogenic avian influenza virus H5N1 in commercial and backyard flocks in at least 17 states. Wildbird migration has been accused of spreading the virus across domestic flocks via their feces (Lovelace Jr, 2022). Hire our assignment writing services in case your assignment is devastating you.

Experts are watching for any virus changes that may pose a greater danger to people, despite the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reassuring that the current risk to humans is minimal. The degree of human sickness caused by bird flu virus infections has varied widely, from no symptoms or moderate illness to severe disease and death (CDC, 2017). Asian lineage H7N9 and highly pathogenic avian influenza Asian lineage H5N1 viruses have caused the vast majority of human infections from bird flu viruses across the globe, including the most severe illnesses and the most outstanding fatality rates.

The transmission of bird flu viruses from an infected individual to close contact is very unusual and, when it occurs, affects only a small number of people. Clinicians and public health workers should consult CDC recommendations on how to conduct tests on patients suspected of having avian influenza A and how to collect and handle patient specimens. Typically, a swab is taken from the patient’s upper respiratory tract (nose or throat) to detect the presence of the bird flu virus (CDC, 2017).

U.S. farms are increasing biosecurity measures to stop the spread of the virus by removing spilled feed that may attract wild birds and limiting interaction between domestic and wild birds (CDC, 2017). Viruses that cause avian flu in humans cannot be passed on through adequately prepared food.

In conclusion, although the danger of human infection with the bird flu virus is currently minimal, it is nevertheless essential to be attentive and implement the appropriate biosecurity measures to prevent the spread of the virus. It is important to note that laboratory testing is required in addition to observing clinical symptoms when attempting to detect an infection with the avian flu virus. A person who thinks they may have been infected should visit a doctor immediately and follow their instructions.


CDC. (2017, April 18). Avian Influenza A Virus Infections in Humans. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Lovelace Jr, B. (2022). Bird flu cases surge in the U.S. What we know so far. NBC News.


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Week 2 Discussion (Click Here to enter the Discussion) A
Microbes in The News
As we learned in Week 1, it is hard to think of examples in life in which microbes do not play an important but silent or hidden role. Many of these roles are positive. However, most students enter a microbiology class only hearing about how there is “this epidemic,” or “this infection going around,” or “stay out of the water,” or “don’t eat this food.” We hear about this based on a problem in our lives, the lives of someone we love, where we work, or on the news when reading a paper, watching TV, or browsing the internet. But is this information correct or complete? It is this aspect of learning about microbiology that we want to illustrate this week.

Microbes in the News

Microbes in the News

This week, you will discuss a MICROBE IN THE NEWS!
Feel free to download the Week Two Discussion A assignment instructions and Grading Rubric A
1. For your main discussion post (first post),
A. You must choose from among the microorganisms listed below. This microbe has been in the news in the past 12
B. It is required of all students to reserve their discussion topic using the following procedure:
a. Click Week 2 Discussion above to enter the Discussion.
b. Click Create Thread and type the number and scientific name of the organism you will discuss in the subject line to reserve your topic on a first come/first serve basis according to the classroom date/time stamp. Click Submit. Repeat main posts on the same organism are not permitted.
C. To post your main discussion, you will Reply to your topic intent post.

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