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Meyer Brigg Type Indicator

Meyer-Brigg Type Indicator


Meyer-Brigg Type Indicator (MBTI) shows how people perceive the world and their decision-making patterns. This structured approach to personality analysis deviates from the projective personality analysis put forth by Carl Jug. The test uses responses from closed items using a structured test. This type of analysis of people’s personalities has been used in the business, management, and leadership sphere to gauge how good leaders are in upholding the conduct of the holders of those positions. There are sixteen types of personalities, as theorized by Meyer and Brigg (Wallace, Goldstein, & Nathan, 2010). I will discuss my test results in this paper and compare this with my on-the-job personality. Further, I will look into how the information gathered from this test may enhance or deter my assimilation of the principles of professional conduct. Lastly, the paper will examine how the MBTI test results can be applied to developing a sense of leadership.

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Compare and contrast the MBTI results with your perception of your on-the-job personality.

The test results from the MBTI test show that I have the INFJ personality. This means I am less than 1% of the world with this personality type. I learn that I also have an inborn sense of morality and idealism and can take concrete steps to make a lasting positive impression and realize set goals (Eysenck, 2011). This is not surprising owing to my determination to always offer the best to those who depend on my professional and personal capabilities to drive change and see the world as a better place. I am one person who dreams big and never back down when things don’t go as planned (Eysenck, 2011). I have always been driven by an intrinsic urge to see those who look upon me prosper through my efforts to realize set goals. INFJs have a passion for helping others and seeing the rest grow, a trait I have possessed for as long as I can recall.

Another thing that I have learned from the results that coincide with my experience in the real world is that I have fought tirelessly for the ideas I believe in. Moreover, I have always been guided by the principle of doing good to turn others to adopt my way of doing things. One thing that I don’t relate to with the personality of the INFJs is their tendency to fight back against criticism and personal attacks using irrational ways. I believe in justice, and when one thing does not go my way, I let it rest and fight another day. This contradicts one of the characteristics of the INFJs, which I find appalling and orthodox.

Consider how this information might enhance or deter your assimilation of the Principals of Professional Conduct.

Professionalism is hinged on the standards of conduct in one’s business dealings. This focuses on ethics, codes of conduct, workplace integrity, and appropriate personal interactions (McQuerrey, 2017). The principles of professionalism include respect for others and avoiding harsh criticism of colleagues, integrity, responsibility, ethical conduct, and commitment. A lesson that can be learned from the test is that one knows some of the weaknesses that may be inherent in oneself that may be deterrents to achieving professionalism (Wallace, Goldstein, & Nathan, 2010). For instance, even though I may disagree with part of an INFJ’s personality traits, it may be within me, and I always fight to suppress these traits. Learning the negative characteristics that could be used to define one’s personality may prove helpful in helping individuals learn how to interact with others in the workplace. The information is, therefore, useful in assisting me in learning to appreciate the efforts of others involved in my work, which promotes professionalism in what I do.

How might you apply this information to your developing sense of leadership?

With my intuition, a counselor’s personality, and a drive to see others succeed, I now appreciate the massive impact that I may have on others. The information I got on my personality shows how I may utilize my innate drive to help others achieve their goals. I also learned that I am a stickler for the guidelines and laws governing my course. With these in mind, I can develop leadership skills by showing concern for others, taking positive action, and always being an example to the team that depends on me through meeting the set goals. Moreover, learning about my personality type has helped me know the motivations for intense idealism and the value I possess for authentic and genuine connections with people I trust. This way, I may build on my personality’s positive traits and aspects to develop the leadership and people skills I require to guide others. My concern for the welfare of others and my drive to see people around me succeeding is probably an eye-opener for me to start thinking of taking up more leadership capacities than I currently do.

Other Related Post: Interpersonal Reflection


Eysenck, H. (2011). Dimensions of personality. In L. A. Pervin, Handbook of personality: Theory and research (pp. 101-110). New York, NY: Guilford Press.

McQuerrey, L. (2017, November 17). The Principle of Professionalism. Retrieved from Chron:

Wallace, P. M., Goldstein, J. H., & Nathan, P. E. (2010). Introduction to Psychology. New York: McGraw-Hill Education.


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Meyer-Brigg Type Indicator

i. Compare and contrast the MBTI results with your perception of your on-the-job personality.

ii. Consider how this information might enhance or deter your assimilation of the Principals of Professional Conduct?

Meyer Brigg Type Indicator

Meyer Brigg Type Indicator

iii. How might you apply this information to your developing sense of leadership?

b. You must defend your rationale with progressive logic, using citations from the course readings to frame your observations.

c. This paper will be no less than three or no more than five pages. All sources will be acknowledged using APA standards


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