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Methodology Overview of Qualitative Research

Methodology Overview of Qualitative Research

Qualitative research involves the process of natural inquisitiveness that seeks to get a deeper understanding of phenomena in society, that occurs in a natural setting. This kind of research focuses not on the ‘what’ but on the ‘why’ of social phenomena and is dependent on human beings’ direct experiences as agents that make meaning in their daily lives. Instead of statistical and logical procedures, researchers using qualitative methods use several systems to inquire about their study of human phenomena, including phenomenology, grounded theory, ethnography, discourse analysis, historical analysis, case studies, and biographies (Bloor, 2011). The research method proposes that common knowledge is more subjective rather than objective and that a researcher learns from the participants to gain an understanding of their lives’ meaning. To ensure trustworthiness and rigor, the researcher helps maintain a neutral position while simultaneously engaging in the process of research (Tracy, 2019). Do you need help in your assignment?

This research will seek to cover a sizeable population within the Bay Shore area of New York. The target population will be older adults from the age of 55 years. The participants will also be recruited from three race categories; Blacks, Latinos, and Whites. Asians will not be included in the research study as previous studies have shown that Asian culture puts honor and family as fundamental pillars of life and thus, taking care of one’s elderly parents is non-negotiable (Chan, 2010; Napoles et al., 2010; Knight & Sayegh, 2010). To achieve this, participants will be invited to participate online as well as from the nursing homes in the city. Additionally, the researcher will reach out to invite participants from recreational centers frequented by the elderly in society, such as the local community centers, churches, and shopping malls. Further, families and kin of those who have or intend to have their elderly loved ones in nursing homes will also be invited to participate in the research study.

Interviewing is one method of collecting data in qualitative research. It is ideal for collecting data from a large group of diverse participants. In this study, structured interviews will be used to collect data from the participants. The structured questions are preferred because they will enable the researcher to gather only the relevant information from the participants and avoid deviation from the research objective. Additionally, structured questions require a lower cognitive load from the participants. This is especially critical because the participants will be drawn from the elderly populace, and simplifying the interview process is important for its success. The structured questions will be in two categories. The first category will include multiple responses while the second category will consist of scaled questions using the Likert Scale (Doody & Noonan, 2013).

The questionnaire will have a final section that will allow participants to add any information that they would like to share with the researcher. This last section is necessary for helping the participants get a voice in case none of the questions address what they would like to air as concerns or otherwise. This last section will also be useful for the research as it will hopefully offer more insights providing depth and substance to the research at hand (Rakow, 2011).


Bloor, M. (2011). Addressing social problems through qualitative research. Qualitative research3.

Chan, S. W. C. (2010). Family caregiving in dementia: the Asian perspective of a global problem. Dementia and geriatric cognitive disorders30(6), 469-478.

Doody, O., & Noonan, M. (2013). Preparing and conducting interviews to collect data. Nurse researcher20(5).

Knight, B. G., & Sayegh, P. (2010). Cultural values and caregiving: The updated sociocultural stress and coping model. The Journals of Gerontology: Series B65(1), 5-13.

Napoles, A. M., Chadiha, L., Eversley, R., & Moreno-John, G. (2010). Reviews: developing culturally sensitive dementia caregiver interventions: are we there yet?. American Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease & Other Dementias®25(5), 389-406.

Rakow, L. F. (2011). Commentary: Interviews and focus groups as critical and cultural methods. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly88(2), 416-428.

Tracy, S. J. (2019). Qualitative research methods: Collecting evidence, crafting analysis, communicating impact. John Wiley & Sons.


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Methodology Overview of Qualitative Research

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Research Assignment:

After you have completed the readings assigned for this session (Greener & Martelli, Chapters 6, 8, & 9), watch these short videos and presentations. Then follow the prompt below:

Types of Research and Research Designs:

When (and How) to Use Qualitative Research Methods:

Note: There are additional modules in this series that go into more detail on some of the specific methods in qualitative research that may assist you in designing your own research methodology.

When (and How) to Use Quantitative Research Methods:

What is quantitative research?

After spending 30-40 minutes of viewing this wealth of media resources, write a concise one-page overview of the methodology you will be using in your final project, research paper, or business plan to support your hypothesis or business idea, and why you chose that methodology.

Classroom Readings for Session 3:

Please complete the following before this session:


Greener, S., & Martelli, J. (2018). An introduction to business research methods (3rd ed.).

For the reading assignment, Greener, S., & Martelli, J. (2018). An introduction to business research methods (3rd ed.). (EBook attached)

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