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Traditional Chinese Medicine stipulates that QI, life force, flows through meridians in the subtle body anatomy. Meridians are energy pathways in which energy flow, balance, and imbalance of energy are influenced by the meridians. Meridians connect to body organs, yins and yang, and the Kouas constantly charge the soul’s archetype qualities to ensure their functionality in balancing energy flow (Goswami, 2011). Examples of meridian organs are the lungs and large intestines.

Describe your 2 paired meridians.

Organs are grouped based on yin, yang, and yang fu. Lungs are Zang organs because they offer a form of storage for air during inhalation and exhalation. On the other hand, large intestines are fu organs because their functionality involves the transfer of substances (Goswami, 2011).

Discuss the elements associated with them.

Of the five morphogenetic fields of the vital body, this yin-yang/ zang-fu pair corresponds to metal. Metal promotes water (Eliopoulos, 2018), illustrating that the lung-large intestine meridian provides water for other organs such as the kidneys.

Discuss Qi flow between the meridians and how it affects the body.

Qi first flows in the chest region meridians; yin, then to the yang meridians connected to the arm, and to the head, then to other yang meridians, connected to the leg, and finally to the feet, where they connect with other yin meridians, connected to the leg, before flowing back to the chest region. This flow of Qi illustrates the connection of body organs and how an imbalance will affect other organs, resulting in illnesses.

How does excess or stagnant QI manifest itself? (symptoms)

In some cases, Qi can be stagnant, blocked, or in excess. These states, such as stagnant QI, affect given organs, resulting in yin-yang imbalances resulting in symptoms related to ailments such as stiffness, low blood pressure, and emotional changes, among others.

What treatments are available for QI imbalance in these organs/meridians?

There are various portions for treating QI imbalances, including acupuncture, herbs, and massage, among others (Goswami, 2011). These practices will restore the balance of the energies influencing the flow at meridians, restoring organs’ healthy state and functionalities.


Eliopoulos, C. (2018). Invitation to holistic health (4th ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Goswami, A. (2011). The Quantum Doctor: A Quantum Physicist Explains the Healing Power of Integral Medicine. Hampton Roads.


We’ll write everything from scratch


AS Description: Select two of the following major meridians that are paired and answer the five associated questions: (Lung, Large Intestine, Stomach, Spleen, Heart, Small Intestine, Urinary Bladder, Kidney, Pericardium, Gallbladder, Triple Burner, Liver)


AS Instructions: Please answer the following questions associated with the flow of qi among the two paired meridians you have selected:
1) Describe your 2 paired meridians
2) Discuss the element associated with them
3) Discuss Qi flow between the meridians and how it affects the body
4) How does excess or stagnant QI manifest itself? (symptoms)
5) What treatments are available for QI imbalance in these organs/meridians?

You can format this however you would like – perhaps easiest if you copy the question into a Word document and then, underneath each question, write your answer. A minimum of two sources are necessary to support your responses. No in-text citations are necessary. However, at the end of your document, please provide your resources in APA format.

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