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Mentoring Programs – Together We Can

Mentoring Programs – Together We Can

Mentoring programs are programs put in place with specific contexts, structures, and goals. Subsequently, mentoring programs’ contexts relay the location of the program’s meetings; structure refers to the type of relationship between mentee and mentor, and goals refer to the objectives of the mentoring program that guide their activities (Karcher et al., 2006). Subsequently, mentoring programs are essential in enhancing individual development, improving cognitive functioning, and promoting personal identity development (Poulin and Orchowsky, 2012). An excellent example of a mentoring program is the ‘Together We Can” mentoring program in Stockton, California. Get in touch with us at We offer assignment help with high professionalism.

Together We Can is a resilience mentoring program that focuses on students and the three areas that students struggle with (Together We Can — Resilience Through Mentoring, 2021). These three areas include suspension, student support and one-on-one mentorship programs, truancy, absenteeism, behavior and academic support, and academics through Student-Led Enrichment Programs for academic tutoring and career guidance. According to ‘Together We Can — Resilience Through Mentoring’ 2021,” We focus on personalized development plans that restore the ‘7 C’s of Resilience’ (competence, confidence, connection, character, contribution, coping and control) necessary to manage the challenges in the lives of at-risk youth.” Accordingly, due to the three aspects of mentoring programs: context, structure, and goals, it is evident that ‘Together We Can’ meets its objectives. Consequently, the program’s context focuses on the youth at risk in Stockton, California. Also, the structure of the mentorship program varies from one-on-one to group mentorships. Finally, the goals of the mentorship program are specific to the seven Cs of resilience, allowing the mentors to develop these characteristics in the mentees. Therefore, due to their particular and elaborate context, structure, and goals, the Together We Can mentorship program can transform the lives of the youth involved.

In conclusion, mentorship programs are effective when the three structures of the program are elaborate and specific. These three structures include the context, structure, and goals of the mentorship program. Accordingly, these programs are effective, and they help youth develop their identities.


Karcher, M., Kuperminc, G., Portwood, S., Sipe, C., and Taylor, A., 2006. Mentoring programs: A framework to inform program development, research, and evaluation. Journal of Community Psychology, 34(6), pp.709-725.

Poulin, M. and Orchowsky, S., 2012. A Process and Outcome Evaluation of the 4-H Mentoring/ Youth and Families with Promise (YFP) Program. [online] Available at: <> 2021. Together We Can — Resilience Through Mentoring. [online] Available at: <>


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Research and review a mentoring program in your area or state. Do you believe these types of programs are effective? Why or Why not?

Justice Research and Statistics Association, A Process and Outcome Evaluation of mentoring programs, March 2012 Retrieved from

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