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Maximizing Clinical Hours – Setting Goals, Developing Skills, and Applying Evidence-Based Practice in Nurse Practitioner Training

Maximizing Clinical Hours – Setting Goals, Developing Skills, and Applying Evidence-Based Practice in Nurse Practitioner Training

The clinical practicum can be quite demanding for nurse practitioners. One challenge each nurse practitioner (NP) must face and overcome is managing clinical hours. I have created a detailed schedule that aligns with my academic and personal commitments to effectively manage my clinical hours. Specifically, I plan to attend clinical rotations three times a week for the first three weeks and twice a week for the remaining five weeks. This schedule will be reviewed and adjusted as needed to accommodate any unforeseen circumstances or additional learning opportunities.

There are many skills I would like to learn during this clinical rotation. Specifically, I would like to improve my leadership skills and my research skills. Since NPs are advanced practice nurses equipped with advanced knowledge in nursing and leadership skills, they have the potential to optimize the quality of healthcare, increase accessibility, and reduce disparities (Rosa et al., 2020). The necessary skills NPs require for leadership and advanced research are developed by combining experience and education within practice and organizational settings with individual traits and characteristics (Cummings et al., 2021).

Evidence-based practice supports the efficiency of nursing, leading to quality care and better patient outcomes (Gorsuch et al., 2020). I plan to integrate evidence during practice to guide my decisions. I plan to use evidence in decision-making by regularly reviewing current research in my area of practice to remain updated on new strategies to tackle issues encountered in practice, including issues in nursing leadership. I also plan to always align my practice with existing evidence-based practice guidelines to ensure all decisions adhere to set standards.


Cummings, G. G., Lee, S., Tate, K., Penconek, T., Micaroni, S. P. M., Paananen, T., & Chatterjee, G. E. (2021). The essentials of nursing leadership: A systematic review of factors and educational interventions influencing nursing leadership. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 115, 103842.

Gorsuch, C., Gallagher Ford, L., Koshy Thomas, B., Melnyk, B. M., & Connor, L. (2020). Impact of a formal educational skill‐building program based on the ARCC model to enhance evidence‐based practice competency in nurse teams. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing17(4), 258-268.

Rosa, W. E., Fitzgerald, M., Davis, S., Farley, J. E., Khanyola, J., Kwong, J., Moreland, P. J., Rogers, M., Sibanda, B., & Turale, S. (2020). Leveraging nurse practitioner capacities to achieve global health for all: COVID-19 and beyond. International Nursing Review, 67(4), 554–559.


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Week 1: Discussion Question 1 – Plan for Success

Discussion Prompt
Discuss your plan for completing your clinical hours. What specific skills or goals would you like to accomplish during this clinical rotation?

Maximizing Clinical Hours - Setting Goals, Developing Skills, and Applying Evidence-Based Practice in Nurse Practitioner Training

Maximizing Clinical Hours – Setting Goals, Developing Skills, and Applying Evidence-Based Practice in Nurse Practitioner Training

How do you plan to use evidence to support your clinical decisions?

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