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Maternal Nursing and Women’s Health Practice

Maternal Nursing and Women’s Health Practice

The 2020 national health goals agenda, as prescribed in the healthy people 2020 agenda, is targeted at attaining high-quality, longer lives with freedom from preventable diseases and disability, among others. The provision of this agenda that is relatable to homecare during pregnancy is the provision on maternal, infant, and child health. This provision aims to improve the health and well-being of women, infants, children, and their families. This provision recognizes their well-being as a critical health determinant and defines the impacts of their living, learning, working, and playing conditions on their well-being.

Family-centered care refers to the care approach formed based on mutual and beneficial partnerships between individual families and their healthcare providers. It entails the inclusion of families in the effective planning and delivery of healthcare services as well as in the decision-making processes regarding their treatment. The significance of involving family members in their care process is evident in family support and the provision of a conducive environment that enables effective healing.

Diversity of culture presents differences in how health and health promotion are perceived across families. These cultures as well differ in their social constructs and family relations, an attribute that may affect the sick role among the various members of these families. Asian Americans, for instance, possess very strong familial and social ties that offer ready support to their sick members and thus improve their mental healing. The appreciation of the various cultural affiliations as well as cultural beliefs on disease and illness is particularly important for nurses. This will enhance their care processes by eliminating perception biases.

Nursing diagnoses related to the family include a positive diagnosis of diabetes mellitus in a family with a history of diabetes and a positive diagnosis of HIV/AIDS in a child whose parents had HIV/AIDS. In these cases, the currently diagnosed family member needs to know their health status. It is as well necessary for them to understand what might have made them develop the disease. In the case of diabetes, the individual should understand that diabetes has a high propensity to familial occurrences and that their disease may be because of this (Khodaeian et al., 2016). In the case of HIV/AIDS diagnosis, the individual should understand that HIV can be transmitted from mother to child and the importance of taking medications for the management of the disease (Johnson et al., 2017). These interventions can be evaluated by assessing the behavioral and health response of these individuals. In both cases, the individuals should continue with their medications if they are already initiated or should be started on medication if they have not been initiated.


Johnson, L., Stinson, K., Newell, M., Bland, R., Moultrie, H., & Davies, M. et al. (2017). The Contribution of Maternal HIV Seroconversion During Late Pregnancy and Breastfeeding to Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV. JAIDS Journal Of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 59(4), 417-425.

Khodaeian, M., Enayati, S., Tabatabaei-Malazy, O., & Amoli, M. (2016). Association between Genetic Variants and Diabetes Mellitus in Iranian Populations: A Systematic Review of Observational Studies. Journal Of Diabetes Research, 2015, 1-21.


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Maternal Nursing and Women’s Health Practice

Please respond to these questions appropriately citing your references if necessary.

Maternal Nursing and Women’s Health Practice

#1) Identify 2020 National Health Goals related to home care during pregnancy or childhood that nurses can help the nation achieve.
#2) Describe what family centered care is.
#3) Identify common areas or concerns of cultural diversity and apply these to nursing practice.
#4) Formulate 2 nursing diagnoses related to family health and what would be some interventions. How would you evaluate your interventions?

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