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Marketing-A Healthcare Perspective

Marketing-A Healthcare Perspective

The dynamic of life evolution has inevitably impacted the healthcare system. It has generated significant changes as well as imposed healthcare marketing as an element of health brands that is indispensable. The field of healthcare is in a continuous evolution and has a plethora of opportunities that stimulate enthusiasm and creativity and exploit the field specialists. Because the marketing techniques and philosophy in other areas do not apply to the healthcare industry, the industry needs to use its approach and present specific features that other industries do not possess (Purcarea, 2019). Do you need urgent assignment help ? Get in touch with us at

In this course, several areas will be covered, including researching a local healthcare organization to cover different parameters, such as a SWOT analysis and creating a marketing strategy. To complete this task and other tasks, I will need to source credible information. To that end, I will use online sources such as CINAHL, PubMed, and Google Scholar, among others, to get information on healthcare marketing. The search terms I will use will depend on the task requirements. I will also read newspaper articles and follow up on any current events that are in line with the course topics. Also, to meet the deliverables, I will source information based on the rubric requirements and ensure that I have answered all areas with current and accurate information. Additionally, the discussion board posts from my classmates will help in giving me insights into areas I may have missed out on or information that they may have accessed, and I failed to access. Discussions will help in improving my learning experience and will possibly increase my satisfaction with the course.


Purcarea V. L. (2019). The impact of marketing strategies in healthcare systems. Journal of medicine and life12(2), 93–96.


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Review the assignments for this course, accessed by clicking on the Assignment tab at the top of your screen, selecting each Unit# Assignment, and reviewing the description, type, and deliverables.

Marketing-A Healthcare Perspective

Marketing-A Healthcare Perspective

Explain your proposed approach for conducting the research necessary to develop quality deliverables, and explain how the information gleaned will support your career development in health care management.

Please review the approaches proposed by other students, providing objective feedback on opportunities for improvement.

In your own words, please post a response to the Discussion Board and comment on other postings.

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