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Managing Team Dynamics- Fostering Collaboration and Resolving Conflicts

Managing Team Dynamics- Fostering Collaboration and Resolving Conflicts

The first steps that Regina should take to resolve the interpersonal conflict include, first, getting the right people on the team. This can be achieved by removing individuals with a bad attitude, such as aggressive, non-contributing, and egoistic executives. According to Meier (2008), the removal of uncommitted, disruptive, unmotivated, and underperforming employees, despite their level of expertise, is significantly critical for the team to move forward. Second, Regina should ensure that the team’s vision and high-level goals are clearly explained to provide guidance in making daily decisions and setting boundaries on what each member needs to do or not (Meier, 2008). Third, she should align the assigned tasks with Each team member’s strengths and define the tasks to be more specific, measurable, agreeable, realistic, and time-bound. Fourth, she should make early plans regarding all the important issues to serve as a baseline to be modified if conditions change (Meier, 2008). Last, Regina should set challenging milestones and discuss their impact on achieving the team’s vision to impart a sense of urgency to the team.

Regina can get her new hires engaged to work together to solve the contract issue by increasing the number of communication channels. Meier (2008) observes that increasing the number of communication channels results in increased collaboration among team members, which will eventually solve the contract issues. Additionally, she can engage the new hires to work together in solving the contract issues by continually and constantly soliciting their feedback to ensure she does not miss opportunities to enhance the performance of the team (Meier, 2008). Furthermore, it is critical for Regina to discuss the diversity and skill level of each individual to create an effective team (Meier, 2008). As a result, she will be able to identify individual team member’s other talents, weaknesses, and strengths, and how best they can contribute to the project’s success.


Meier, S. R. (2008). Building and Managing an Effective Project Team. Defense AT&L, 38-41.


We’ll write everything from scratch


building an Effective Team

Individuals from diverse backgrounds are assigned to teams because of their skills and talents; that is, the unique set of skills and abilities each member brings to the team. Often, conflict arises during different stages of a project. You may have personally experienced tension as you worked with coworkers on different projects. Discovering the root cause of the tension and creating the ability for the team to move beyond it is essential for the productive functioning of a team. Often, conflict may flare to a level where management must step in and correct negative behaviors. To avoid this desperate measure, processes must be implemented to eliminate unnecessary tension within the team environment.

Managing Team Dynamics- Fostering Collaboration and Resolving Conflicts

Perhaps you have found yourself in a situation where everyone on the team has an opinion on a given topic. Managing individuals in the team to reach productive outcomes is essential. For this discussion, you will read a scenario and discuss how to work with a team to help each team member understand that his or her opinion counts and is essential in developing and solving the problem presented to the team.

Read the article, “Building and Managing an Effective Project Team” from the unit studies before continuing.


In the previous unit, Regina hired new marketing account executives and quickly assigned the new account executives to work on recently acquired service contracts. The account executives are not a team, having originated from diverse agencies, and as they begin discussing the service contract issue, tempers flare because each account executive has a personal opinion on how to handle a social-media marketing campaign. There has not been time to develop a standardized process for use at RPZ. As a result, each employee feels his or her method is the most effective. In fact, one account executive is aggressive and demands everyone recognize his process is the best, another employee is passive and is non-contributing, and one employee is an egoist and finds fault with everyone’s process.

To solve the problem, Regina needs to intervene and assist the marketing representatives build a standardized process that will result in an effective and cohesive team.

To complete the discussion, consider the following points and briefly cover each point in your response:

What are the first steps Regina should take to resolve the interpersonal conflict?
How should Regina get her new hires engaged to work together to solve the contract issue?
Does Regina need to discuss the diversity and skill level of each person?

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