Managing Global Change
Kotter’s Eight-Step Change Model
Prepare employees by creating change urgency.
Create a team that will implement the change process.
Develop a clear vision and mission for the change program to help the organization achieve change.
Communicate the vision change to employees and other stakeholders.
Remove the obstacles that slow the organization’s progress.
Set short-term goals to keep employees motivated.
Keep the change momentum by ensuring every change stakeholder pursues the organizational goal.
Make the change stick by incorporating it into the organization’s culture.
Hidden Assumptions about Change Management
One of the hidden assumptions during the change process is that everything is on board the change bandwagon. Most organizations believe that once they initiate a change process, every aspect of the organization must follow through (Kong, 2006). However, that is not always the case since managers need to retain elements of continuity. HR can help have continuity by hiring people who are conversant with the organization’s former system. Another assumption in the change process is that the organization can plan a change process. Organizational leaders presumably believe that they can predict organizational problems in advance and devise strategies to avoid them (Kong, 2006). However, that is not always the case, as some barriers are unpredictable. HR can address this by setting short-term employee goals. Another assumption is that change is the responsibility of the management. Such an assumption means the burden of implementing change is left to the leader. However, that is not the case, as all organizational participants pursue a common goal. HR can align all employees to ensure they are committed to a change process. Do you need any help for completing your assignment ? Contact us at We endeavor to provide you with excellent service.
The Role of HR
Firstly, HR conducts recruitment and onboarding for new employees needed to implement change. That includes advertising for jobs, conducting interviews, and negotiating compensation and benefits (Bradley, 2019). The task is made complex on the global stage due to the difference in education systems and languages between different countries. Also, according to Cohen (2016), HR conducts on-the-job training to support change. Changes involving software programs call for training initiatives to ensure employees are well-versed in the new way of doing things. Such training is vital if the organization runs multiple locations globally. HR uses online tools to train employees.
The Link between HR Activities and Positive Change in Global Organizational Culture
HR’s role in international business includes bridging the cultural gap between a company’s mother and host countries. To help employees interact positively with customers worldwide, HR trains them in proper communication, language, and corporate solicitation skills (Bradley, 2019). Accordingly, this broadens employees’ ability to participate in global business.
Bradley, J. (2019, February 19). Global HR-Related Issues in Business Settings. Small Business –
Cohen, D. (2016, September 1). What is HR’s Role in Managing Change? SHRM; SHRM.
Kong, S. H. (2006). The Significance of Organization’s Fundamental Assumptions in Change Management—The Case of Mainland Chinese Organizations. Problems and Perspectives in Management, 98-110.
We’ll write everything from scratch
According to Bucy, Finlayson, Kelly & Moye (2016), 70 percent of large-scale, complex programs undertaken by organizations around the world do not reach their stated goals and are, in effect, unsuccessful. While there are a number of reasons that companies might undergo transformational change, there are an equal number of reasons that they are not successful. Li (2020) claims that main reason why change is so hard is because people are resistant to it, especially employees. There are many factors and people to consider when organizations decide to enact changes, even small ones. For many organizations, choosing a change management model is the first step to incorporating change in a company.

Managing Global Change
In this Discussion, you will explore John Kotter’s 8-Step Model for change management. You will examine the role that HR professionals have in managing change and how they can help an organization address the hidden assumptions of change management.
**List Kotter’s eight steps to managing change. Provide examples of each step.
**Identify three hidden assumptions about managing change and analyze how HR can assist an organization in addressing these assumptions in a positive manner
**Explain the role of HR activities (i.e., staffing, training, development, compensation, and employee relations) in managing effective global change.
**Identify a link between HR activities and positive change in global organizational culture