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Longitudinal Impact of Parent-Teacher Relationship on Middle School Students

Longitudinal Impact of Parent-Teacher Relationship on Middle School Students

The research article “Longitudinal Impact of Parent-Teacher Relationship on Middle School Students’ Academic Achievements in China” by Fu et al. (2022) employs hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) to explore the impact of the parent-teacher relationship on the academic performance of middle school learners in China. This comprehensive study utilizes a large dataset comprising 8,426 students and their parents, along with data collected at both child and class levels (Fu et al., 2022).

The introduction establishes the context by underscoring the pivotal significance of the parent-teacher relationship in shaping students’ academic achievements. It highlights the unique approach of using HLM, a statistical method ideal for addressing multilevel data, and its relevance in education research. The methodology section outlines the research’s approach, drawing from a substantial dataset that encompasses both parents and students. The data is analyzed using a multilevel framework, thus making it suitable for assessing the connection between academic outcomes and parent-teacher interactions. Hire our assignment writing services in case your assignment is devastating you.

The results are presented systematically in multiple steps, starting with descriptive statistics that summarize the data. The multilevel findings are then reported in detail, thereby uncovering significant insights. In step one (Model 0), the results reveal a mean class academic achievement score of 65.54 with substantial variances at both student and class levels (Fu et al., 2022). This finding underscores the necessity of employing hierarchical linear modeling in the analysis, given the variations observed. In step two (Model 1), the research delves into the impact of various factors on student achievement. Among the significant findings are that boys tend to have lower academic achievements than girls, cognitive ability and parental education are positively related to academic success, and the readiness of parents to engage in meetings positively influences students’ achievements. The study also highlights that learners with parents who actively communicate with instructors tend to perform better academically.

Step three (Model 1.1) identifies variation in certain coefficients across classrooms, particularly related to parent-teacher interactions. This variation adds a layer of complexity to the relationship and requires consideration. In step four (Model 2), the research introduces class-level teacher predictors. The findings indicate that stress experienced by teachers stemming from parents’ requests negatively affects class-level academic scores (Fu et al., 2022). Additionally, how teachers perceive the level of respect they receive from parents positively influences class-level academic achievements. In step five (Model 3), the study explores the potential effects of class-level predictors. It reveals that teachers’ familiarity with parents can affect the extent of parents’ fear of communicating with teachers (Fu et al., 2022). The more parents a teacher knows, the more positive the impact on parental fear, thereby enhancing communication between parents and teachers.

The discussion section elaborates on these findings, emphasizing the profound impact of the parent-teacher relationship on students’ academic achievements. The research underscores that active involvement and communication between parents and teachers can positively influence student outcomes (Fu et al., 2022). For instance, students with parents who participate in meetings and cooperate with teachers’ requirements tend to have higher academic scores. Additionally, the research acknowledges that parental involvement is crucial in enhancing student success. Encouraging parents to actively participate in their children’s education by keeping themselves informed about classroom activities, events, and requirements is deemed essential. Furthermore, it suggests that a healthy and open dialogue between parents and teachers should be fostered while schools should create an inclusive atmosphere that welcomes parental participation.

Consequently, the research does acknowledge its constraints, including its concentration on seventh-grade students and the necessity to investigate the influence of the parent-teacher relationship on students across various grade levels. Additionally, it highlights the importance of considering the broader spectrum of students’ development, including cognitive, behavioral, and social outcomes. The need for future research to delve into these aspects is recognized.

In conclusion, this research provides important insights into the complex dynamics of the relationship between teachers and parents and its influence on the academic achievements of Chinese middle school learners. It highlights the significance of active parental involvement and communication in enhancing student success and calls for further investigation into this multifaceted relationship across different grade levels and aspects of student development.

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Fu, W., Pan, Q., Yuan, Y., & Chen, G. (2022). Longitudinal impact of parent-teacher relationship on middle school students’ academic achievements in China. Frontiers in Psychology, 13. Essay Example


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Longitudinal Impact of Parent-Teacher Relationship on Middle School Students

Longitudinal Impact of Parent-Teacher Relationship on Middle School Students

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