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Locating and Summarizing Statutes

Locating and Summarizing Statutes

Federal Freedom of Information Act


Statutes and Legislation


5 USC §552 et seq

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The United States Department of Justice

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The federal statute section pertaining to eligible employees and family and medical leave in LexisAdvance


Statutes and Legislation


5 USC §552 et seq

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Iowa Code §489.102


Statutes and Legislation


Definition of limited liability

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Iowa Statutes

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Sexual Assault


California Statutes and Legislation

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Part B: Summarizing Statutes

Colorado Revised Statute § 15-11-502

The Colorado Revised Statute § 15-11-502 delves into the edibility of a will. According to the statute, a will must be in writing, signed by the testator and at least two witnesses. A testator can delegate the responsibility to a third party to do it on their behalf in case the testator is not in a position to sign the will personally (Tucker, Crona & Ridgway, 2004). However, the one who acts on behalf of the testator does not count as part of the two witnesses. Besides, the witnesses must be present when a testator appends a signature against his name. The witnesses must be informed about such verbally by the testator in the case of a third party acting on behalf of a testator,

18 USC 1956

Article 18 of the US Constitution, 1956, defines what amounts to money laundering. The article classifies money laundering into four categories: promotional, concealment, tax evasion, and structuring. These types of money laundering are based on three jurisdictional conditions: conducting financial transactions that constitute money laundering, international transfers that include laundering, and stings. Part (a) of the article outlaws specified unlawful activities (SUA), part (b) of the article bans international transmission/transfer of laundered money, while part (c) of the article covers undercover investigations into possible money laundering schemes (Us Department of Justice, 2015).

23 USC. 301

Title 23 of the United States Code (highways) prohibits imposing tolls on federal government-funded highways, except for a few exceptions defined thereof. The provision allows tolling on these highways to enable the responsible public authorities to undertake special programs on the infrastructure. One such unique program under which the responsible authority can impose tolling is to control congestion in these facilities. Also, if significant federal money has been used for these facilities, they qualify for tolling. These programs, referred to as ‘mainstream’ tolling, help authorities decide the infrastructure where tolling is applicable. Notably, there is no limit to projects nor a requirement for an agreement with the Federal Highways Authority (FHWA) before applying for the toll (Cornell Law School, 2015).

MCLS 37.2202

Michigan legislature compiled law 37.2202, which defines activities an employer cannot engage in. First, the law bars employees from discriminating against or failing to hire employees based on age, colour, sex, religion, and marital status. The law also prohibits current or potential employers from classifying employees in a way that will limit their recruitment prospects. Also, employers cannot determine the working conditions or retirement benefits of an employee based on sex. However, the policy should not be construed to imply that it prevents an employer and employee from agreeing to a benefits policy, and it does not apply to those working with their spouses, parents, or children.


Cornell Law School. (2015). Title 23, United States Code.

Tucker, H., Crona, S., & Ridgway, M. (2004). Will Preparation for Individuals Lacking    Testamentary             Capacity. Colorado Lawyer33(8/93).

US Department of Justice. (2015, February 19). 2101. Money Laundering Overview.


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Find the federal Freedom of Information Act citation.

Locating and Summarizing Statutes

Locating and Summarizing Statutes

Find the federal statute section pertaining to eligible employees, family, and medical leave in LexisAdvance.
Find a statute identifying the definition of a limited liability company in Iowa.
The statute in California defining sexual assault in LexisAdvance

Locate the following statutes in LexisAdvance. Provide a brief summary of each statute (3-4 sentences).
Colorado Revised Statute § 15-11-502
18 USC 1956
23 USC. 301
MCLS 37.2202

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