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Limited Resources and variability

Limited Resources and variability


In a scenario where 1000 people live in one house and water is a limited resource, natural selection would come into play. Water is essential for survival, and its scarcity within the house would create competition among the individuals. Some individuals may have adaptations or behaviors that make them more efficient in water usage. For example, those who naturally have lower water requirements or those who have developed ways to conserve water would have a higher chance of survival. As the demand for water exceeds the available supply, individuals who can effectively manage and ration their water intake would be at an advantage (Corning, 2022). They would have a better chance of survival and reproductive success than individuals who consume excessive water. In this way, the limited resource of water would act as a selective pressure, leading to the emergence and spread of traits that promote survival and reproduction in the house.

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Variability: Plant height (Tall and Short)

Natural selection would also play a role in a scenario where 1000 people live in one house, and there is variability in plant height. The variability in plant height presents different advantages and disadvantages for the individuals living in the house. Tall plants benefit from getting light, which increases their capacity for photosynthesis. Because of this, they can produce more energy and expand more quickly. On the other hand, short plants may have advantages in resource utilization and stability.

With limited space and resources within the house, tall and short plants would compete for these resources (Lundgren & Des Marais, 2020). The individuals who can effectively utilize the available resources would have a higher chance of survival and reproduction. Natural selection would favor traits that are advantageous in the given environment. If more sunlight is available, taller plants may be selected as they can maximize their energy production (Lundgren & Des Marais, 2020). Over time, the variability in plant height would contribute to natural selection by favoring traits that optimize resource acquisition and survival in the specific conditions present within the house.


Corning, P. A. (2022). A systems theory of biological evolution. Biosystems214, 104630.

Lundgren, M. R., & Des Marais, D. L. (2020). Life history variation as a model for understanding trade-offs in plant–environment interactions. Current Biology30(4), R180-R189.


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1*Imagine that 1000 people live in one house. How would the limited resource example you picked contribute to natural selection in the house? Explain your answer in detail.
Post your explanation of how limited resources contribute to natural selection. Use the following format:
Limited resource: (identify the item) Please note: Water is the limited resource I picked.
Explanation: (how the limited resource contributes to natural selection)
Your post must include the two pieces listed above. Be sure each explanation is detailed and explains how each item contributes to natural selection.

Limited Resources and variability

2*Use the variability example you picked during BTOE 3A (you cannot use your example OR make up an example) to address the following scenario:
Imagine that 1000 people live in one house. How would the variability example you picked contribute to natural selection in the house?
Explain your answer in detail.
Post your explanation on how variability contributes to natural selection. Use the following format:
Variability: (identify the type of item variability) Please Note: The variability I picked is Plant (one is tall, and one is short).
Explanation: (how variability contributes to natural selection)
Your post must include the two pieces listed above. Be sure each explanation is detailed and explains how each item contributes to natural selection.

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