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Learning Styles and Preferences-VARK Assessment

Learning Styles and Preferences-VARK Assessment

According to the VARK questionnaire, my scores were visual seven, aural nine, read/write five, and kinesthetic eleven. The VARK exercise highlights that my learning preferences or style revolves around different formats, maps, diagrams, interesting layouts, talking, discussions, experiences, case studies, examples, questioning, graphs, notes, print, handouts, as well as trial and error (VARK Learn Limited, 2022). In a training situation, my learning style would require that the highlighted factors be taken into consideration for effectiveness (Retalis, Paraskeva, & Tzanavari, 2004). The inclusion of visual elements in the process of training is important. These visual elements should be accompanied by illustrations and descriptions. Most importantly, the training should provide an opportunity for practical demonstrations, which allow me to internalize the previously obtained information, leading to actual learning (eLearning World, 2022). Do you need help with your assignment ? Contact us at

The advantage of using this approach in a design is that learning is more efficient. It is easier to achieve the goals related to the training because actual learning takes place. Learning is a change of behaviors. Therefore, it is possible to apply the current information and skills in daily situations and find solutions that suit the circumstances. The main disadvantage of this approach is the possibility of the increased cost of learning and more time. Incorporating all the highlighted elements in the training process is likely to affect the time that will be used in the activity, which directly affects cost. In addition, other learners may grasp knowledge and skills faster, leading to time wastage or loss of interest for them.

For instance, the approach would require more than just practical classes when training a baker to bake bread. It would be necessary to compile videos of people baking, include captions, have theoretical explanations regarding the scientific and artistic elements, and have a practical session that allows the baker to watch the instructor before they take part in the process. This is expected to use not only more of the instructor’s time but also the other learners, who may learn using different methods.


eLearning World. (2022). Types of Learners: Understanding Learning Styles and what they mean to eLearning designers.

Retalis, S., Paraskeva, F., & Tzanavari, A. (2004). Learning Styles and Instructional Design as Inputs for Adaptive Educational Hypermedia Material Design.

VARK Learn Limited. (2022). The VARK Questionnare. Retrieved from VARK Learn:


We’ll write everything from scratch


Complete the VARK Assessment in the Readings and Resources. Based on your preferred learning style as identified from the VARK Assessment and what we have learned about adult learning theory (Andragogy) principles, how could your personal learning style and learning preferences most influence your training design? Share some pros and cons – how might they be effective, and how might they limit a good design? Provide an example in your discussion.

Learning Styles and Preferences-VARK Assessment

Review this article to gain a foundational understanding of the art and science of adult learning:
Pappas, C. (2013, May 9). The adult learning theory – andragogy – of Malcolm Knowles. eLearning Industry.
The Adult Learning Theory of Malcolm Knowles Summary
Complete the VARK Questionnaire to see how you learn best
The VARK Questionnaire. (2019). VARK Learn Limited.

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