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Learning Skills and Strengths- Assembling a Portable Closet

Learning Skills and Strengths- Assembling a Portable Closet

I recently learned how to assemble a portable closet because I needed extra storage for my clothes. The experience was challenging for me because the instructions provided by the seller were not clear. The manual in the package was also not helpful because it was written in Chinese. Therefore, I decided to look for an alternative source of information on how to assemble that specific portable closet on the internet, and I was fortunate to find an informative YouTube video that provided step-by-step instructions on how to do it. I was not successful on the first and second trials because I placed some frames in the wrong places; however, I learned from my mistakes and finally assembled the closet successfully in the third trial.

One of the things I did to help me succeed in learning how to assemble the portable closet was reviewing the instructions provided by the seller to get an idea of the appearance of the final product. The second thing I did was look for YouTube videos on how to assemble a portable closet. I watched three videos to understand where each piece should be fitted to get different ideas on how to assemble the closet. I then began to practice assembling the portable closet by following the instructions in one of the YouTube videos. I learned by avoiding the mistakes I made in each trial to succeed in the activity until I was able to achieve the desired result.

The strategies I applied to succeed in assembling the closet apply to my classwork at the University of Maryland Global Campus. For example, reviewing instructions is applicable in understanding the requirements of assignments in my classwork so that I can meet the classwork expectations. Looking for information relating to the task from different sources is applicable in my classwork because I need to look for journal articles and books that provide the information I need to complete assignments in the classwork. Practice is also applicable to my classwork because I need to practice using various academic writing formats and keep improving my writing based on the feedback I get from the instructor.


We’ll write everything from scratch


First paragraph (Consider an informal learning experience that was successful for you. What were you able to learn?)
Second paragraph (What did you do that helped you succeed in your learning? Consider two to three strategies that helped.)

Learning Skills and Strengths- Assembling a Portable Closet

Third paragraph (How would you apply those strategies to your classwork at the University of Maryland Global Campus?)

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