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Learning Organizations and Value Creation – Target

Learning Organizations and Value Creation – Target

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Learning Organization Element The extent to which the company epitomizes this element Provide a sentence justifying your determination
High Medium Low
Example x [This] is why I believe it is medium.
Inspiring and motivating people with a mission or purpose x Apart from the pay, Target’s mission is another important contributor to their outstanding performance. The company’s focused mission has helped keep employees aligned with company goals.
Developing leaders x Target, being one of the largest retailers in the US, trains and develops potential leaders. A good example of an internal program designed to develop employees is the company’s Arrow Graduate program, which trains supply chain and logistics specialists (Target, n.d.). However, I ranked it medium since the program primarily aims to improve the company’s internal operations rather than improve individual leaders.
Empowering employees x Target believes that employee empowerment is central to ensuring productivity. To that end, the retailer offers its employees tuition-free programs and scholarships to study business-related courses (Dess & Sauerwald, 2021). The end goal is to create a pool of reliable leaders who can be relied upon to advance the company’s interests.
Accumulating and sharing internal knowledge x Target uses both formal and informal means to share information and knowledge with employees. One recognizable way the company has leveraged over time is through face-to-face communication (Target, n.d.). Emails have also played a key role in helping the company spread information.
Gathering and integrating external information x Target acquires external information about competitors and customers. One of the means used by the company to acquire such information is through monitoring website visits. These website visits can show a company that there are openings in the global arena.
Challenging the status quo and enabling creativity x The company does not challenge the status quo since many of its operations align with other retailers in the US.
Target stands a chance of improving internal operations by facilitating information sharing. This can be achieved through creating spaces and platforms that facilitate information sharing. To that end, real-time collaboration on projects, reports, and documents will come in handy. Virtual tools such as Zoom can help employees collaborate on projects.


Dess, G. G., & Sauerwald, S. (2021). Strategic management: Text & cases. Mcgraw-Hill Education.

Target. (n.d.). Culture: Working at Target. Target Corporate.


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Learning Organizations and Value Creation – Target

Review the 6 key elements of a learning organization (Ch. 11 of Strategic Management, by Dess).

Complete the table below. Evaluate the extent to which the company you’ve selected to assess in this course epitomizes each of the 6 elements.

Justify your determination with examples.

Learning Organization Element The extent to which the company epitomizes this element Provide a sentence justifying your determination
High Medium Low
Example x [This] is why I believe it is medium.
Inspiring and motivating people with a mission or purpose
Developing leaders
Empowering employees
Accumulating and sharing internal knowledge
Gathering and integrating external information
Challenging the status quo and enabling creativity
Recommend at least 1 step the organization’s leaders could take to enhance 1 of the elements and explain how that could help the organization create more value.
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