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Leading as a Manager- Communicating and Motivating

Leading as a Manager- Communicating and Motivating

Leadership is essential in promoting organizational growth and performance. Leaders may be required to complete managerial roles in organizations to help the organization achieve its goals and objectives. Therefore, management is an essential part of leadership. According to Bateman et al. (2018), management is a process that involves working with resources and people to meet a desired objective or goal effectively and efficiently. This report will review the five components of management, the application of management skills, principles, and strategies, the relationship between lack of planning and human resources-related efforts, and the role of the administrative management theory in motivation.

The Five Components of Management

One of the components of management is planning. Managers engage in planning by choosing the right goals for the organization, actions that an organization should consider to accomplish the goals, and the resources needed to accomplish the goals. The main types of planning include contingency, tactical, operational, and strategic planning. Contingency planning involves creating a plan to address potential risks and their effects when they occur. Tactical planning includes creating short-term plans to fulfill long-term goals. Operational planning involves converting a strategic plan into a detailed one outlining the actions an organization should take in its daily operations. Lastly, strategic planning includes defining an organization’s objectives, goals, and vision. Overall, planning is essential in designing the right measures to deal with future changes and uncertainties in an organization.

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The second component is organizing. Organizing includes creating worker relationships that enable employees to collaborate to achieve an organization’s goals. The main tasks in organizing include identifying and dividing work, creating departments, assigning tasks to workers based on their availability and expertise, creating an organizational hierarchy, providing the required resources, and coordinating and scheduling activities in the organization. Organizing can enhance management efficiency by enabling the manager to avoid duplication and overlapping of efforts in the division of work, creating departments, and assigning tasks. Organizing is also essential in enhancing the efficiency of the use of human resources. For example, organizing helps managers to effectively assign tasks based on an employee’s skills and expertise, thus efficiently using the available human resources and increasing their productivity. Managers can also create a conducive work environment by creating flexible work schedules leading to increased employee productivity and organizational performance.

The third component is staffing. This component includes finding the right employee for a job based on the knowledge, skills, and expertise needed to complete the tasks within the job. The main concepts in staffing include selection, recruitment, compensation, and development. To begin with, recruitment includes attracting, identifying, selecting, interviewing, onboarding, and hiring qualified staff to fill vacant positions within the organization. Second, selection includes picking the candidate with the most suitable knowledge, skills, and expertise to complete the vacant position’s tasks. Third, compensation includes monetary and non-monetary rewards that employees receive for completing assigned tasks. Lastly, development includes equipping employees with new knowledge and skills to effectively complete assigned tasks. Organizations may develop employees by creating training programs within the organization or giving employees scholarships to pursue further education in learning institutions such as colleges and universities.

The fourth component is directing. The main roles in directing include supervision, communication, motivation, and leadership. Managers direct employees on what they should do by communicating the organization’s goals, motivating employees to meet the organization’s expectations, supervising the employees to ensure that they complete assigned tasks as expected, and leading employees to create a common sense of direction. The main principles of directing include harmony of objectives, maximum individual contribution, unity of command, following through, use of informal organization, managerial communication, leadership and appropriate direction strategy. Notably, directing is linked to the fifth component, controlling. This component includes ensuring that all activities within the organization run as expected to meet the organization’s goals. Controlling is essential in identifying issues that could impact an organization’s success. The main elements of controlling include comparing actual performance with the required standards and identifying deviations, establishing standards, taking the corrective action needed, and measuring performance.

Experiences Related to Management Skills, Principles, and Strategies

Management skills, principles, and strategies play a vital role in management effectiveness. According to Henri Fayol, the main management principles include division of work, responsibility, and authority, discipline, unity of direction, unity of command, remuneration, subordination of individual interest, scalar chain, centralization, order, stability, equity, esprit de Corps, and initiative. The management principles I have implemented when serving as a manager in my current workplace are authority and responsibility, division of work, discipline, equity, and initiative. The principles have worked and have enabled me to become a better manager. When I first assumed the manager role in the organization, I focused on encouraging employees to work in teams so that they could exchange ideas to complete tasks effectively. I divided work among teams based on the skills and expertise of the team members and task demands. I maintained responsibility and authority by creating rules that all employees were required to follow when interacting with me as their manager. I also completed my role as the manager within the organization’s policies and procedures to set a good example for employees, thus maintaining discipline. Further, I embraced equity by treating all employees respectfully and equally. I also advocated for including employees from diverse backgrounds, promoting diversity and inclusion. I took the initiative to create a diversity and inclusion policy to help employees understand how they should treat each other, promote workplace diversity, and prevent issues such as discrimination.

The main management skills I have applied as a manager in my current workplace include interpersonal and conceptual skills. The interpersonal and conceptual skills have worked because they enabled me to effectively complete my tasks as a manager. According to Challagolla (2017), interpersonal skills enable individuals to interact, relate, or work effectively with people. Conversely, conceptual skills involve the ability to develop ideas, analyze problems, and design effective solutions. I have applied human relations skills to create good relationships with employees, enabling them to speak up about their challenges. For example, when transitioning to remote working during the COVID-19 pandemic, I encouraged employees to speak up about the challenges they would be experiencing when working from home so that I could create reasonable schedules for them and assign tasks appropriately. I considered concerns such as internet availability and interference, family responsibilities, and an employee’s flexibility. I then applied conceptual skills to create a reasonable work schedule for all employees and coordinate them remotely to meet the organization’s goals.

The management strategies I have applied as a manager in my current workplace include employee engagement, facilitating training, and rewarding employees who meet and exceed the organization’s expectations. I encourage employee engagement by involving employees in decision-making. I also regularly assess employees’ skills to identify training needs and collaborate with other leaders within the organization to create a training program. I also update the organization’s performance management system to ensure that it effectively measures employee performance so that they are rewarded appropriately. Employee engagement has worked because it has enabled me to increase employee satisfaction and commitment, thus facilitating the exchange of ideas to meet the organization’s goals. Training has worked in equipping employees with the knowledge and skills they need to complete tasks effectively, thus making it easier for me to manage employees. Rewarding employees has worked by increasing employee productivity and willingness to collaborate, thus making it easier for me to maintain unity of direction.

An Incident Where There Was a Lack of Planning: The Impact on the Human Resources-Related Efforts and Recovering and Moving on From This Incident

Planning plays a vital role in maintaining operations within an organization. When I became the manager in my current workplace, there was a lack of planning because the former manager did not collaborate with employees and other leaders within the organization. The lack of planning affected the development of a performance management system to track employee performance and ensure that employees were rewarded appropriately. For example, there was confusion about what to consider when measuring performance. There was also a disagreement about who would be involved in creating the performance management system. As a manager, I was required to develop an effective solution. I proposed issuing a survey to all employees and leaders within the organization to get recommendations about the factors that would be considered in assessing an employee’s performance and the individuals who should be involved in creating the performance management system. Next, I selected the factors with the most recommendations. I then requested employee feedback about the new performance management system and requested them to suggest areas for improvement. I also involved all employees and leaders in deciding on the performance management system considerations. I also gave everyone with an opposing idea to express themselves and give their suggestions on the way forward. I ensured that all conflicts among employees and leaders that emerged when creating the performance management system were resolved before its implementation.

Role of Administrative Management Theory in My Motivation

I feel that the administrative theory is effective in motivating me. The theory was proposed by Henri Fayol to view an organization based on managers and what they encounter in completing managerial tasks within an organization. The theory suggests that the main functions of a manager are forecasting, planning, coordinating, commanding, and controlling. The theory motivates me based on its principles which focus on improving an employee’s well-being. One of the principles is the remuneration of personnel. This principle effectively motivates me because it states that all employees are entitled to non-monetary and monetary enumeration based on their performance. Therefore, I will be motivated to meet the organization’s expectations because I am assured that I will be remunerated for my good performance.

The second principle is the unity of direction. This principle states that there should only be one manager per department to coordinate people within the department. Therefore, I will be motivated to deliver my best as a manager because I will not be facing competition from other employees and will have the autonomy to make and implement ideas. The third principle is stability. This principle states that employees should have job security. According to Dinga et al. (2023), job security is the assurance that an individual will not lose their job. Job security will motivate me to stay committed to the organization and use my ideas to promote organizational effectiveness, thus improving my performance as a manager. Job security will also enable me to develop a sense of belonging in the organization and job satisfaction hence reducing my intention to leave the organization’s workforce.


Management is a process that involves five components: planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling. Management also includes applying various principles, skills, and strategies. The main management principles proposed by Henri Fayol include division of work, responsibility, and authority, discipline, unity of direction, unity of command, remuneration, subordination of individual interest, scalar chain, centralization, order, stability, equity, esprit de Corps and initiative. Management skills are categorized into interpersonal and conceptual skills. Some management strategies managers can apply include employee engagement, facilitating training, and rewarding employees who meet and exceed the organization’s expectations.


Bateman, T. S., Snell, S., & Konopaske, R. (2018). Management. McGraw-Hill Education.

Challagolla, D. (2017). Interpersonal and Communication Skills. Oxford Medicine Online.

Dinga, E., Dutcas, M. F., & Ionescu, G.-M. (2023). The concepts of job security and job flexibility. Job Security and Flexibility, 25–77.


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Assignment Content

Review the ideas or theories addressed in the assigned course readings. Using yourself or your experience as examples, develop a narrative that addresses the following points:

Leading as a Manager- Communicating and Motivating

Leading as a Manager- Communicating and Motivating

Identify the five components of management.
Share your own experiences tied to management skills, principles, and strategies you have implemented that have or have not worked in your past or current careers. If you do not have any experience tied to management skills, address what you like to see in managers whom you have worked for in the past.
Provide an example of a time when you were either the manager or a subordinate and there was a lack of planning that affected a human resources-related effort you were part of. Share one issue that occurred, and identify what you, as a manager (or subordinate), did to recover and move on from this incident.
Do you feel that one or more of the ideas or theories are particularly effective in motivating you, or is there a better way you can be motivated?

Your essay submission must be at least three pages in length. You are required to use at least two outside sources to support your explanation. Your essay should be formatted in accordance with APA style.

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