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Leadership versus Management

Leadership versus Management

To be a successful sports facility manager today, I believe it is more important to have good leadership skills compared to good management skills. Good management is about getting employees to maximize their efficiency to ensure the company’s facilities goals are met (Fried & Kastel, 2020). The most common way that managers make this happen is by using extrinsic motivation on the employees. Accordingly, extrinsic motivation is usually based on external rewards, such as promotions, bonuses, praise, and approval (Makki & Abid, 2017). Notably, managers also use threats like demotion or firing to get employees to work. Therefore, managers get employees to maximize their potential based on conditions. Suppose these conditions were taken away, then employees have no reason to work as hard for the company’s success. Do you need any help for completing your assignment ? Contact us at We endeavor to provide you with excellent service.

On the other hand, good leaders can not only inspire people but also arouse their passion for something they believe in and sustain this fervor (Fried & Kastel, 2020). This is also known as intrinsic motivation. Essentially, intrinsic motivation means that people do something not because of the external rewards that come with it but because of its inherent satisfaction (Makki & Abid, 2017). As such, even when a facility is not doing too well, good leadership will ensure that employees still work as hard because they believe in the missions and visions of the organization.

Nevertheless, I also believe that it would be more beneficial if leaders were good managers as well. If both skills were intertwined in a person, then that would be the best-case scenario for either position. Notably, both good leadership and good management matter because they play significant parts in the success of the company.


Fried, G., & Kastel, M. (2020). Managing sports facilities. Human Kinetics.

Makki, A., & Abid, M. (2017). Influence of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation on employee’s task performance. Studies in Asian Social Science4(1), 38-43.


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Reflect on what is more important for today’s sports facility manager to have, good management or good leadership skills.

Leadership versus Management

Do you believe leaders must also be great managers (and vice versa)? Does it matter?
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