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Leadership Reflection – Systems Thinking

Leadership Reflection – Systems Thinking

The book on leadership that I have been diligently reading for this academic endeavor touches the topic of systems thinking to a certain degree. However, it also presents a thought-provoking and enlightening perspective that both questions and broadens my comprehension of this notion (George et al., 2011). Systems thinking is an inherent facet of efficacious leadership, as it entails comprehending and scrutinizing the interconnections and collective impact of diverse constituents or factors within an organization or a scenario, thereby shaping the resultant outcomes.

Within the book, systems thinking is an indispensable aptitude that leaders ought to cultivate. It underscores the significance of transcending individual occurrences or choices and instead contemplating the more comprehensive framework and interconnections, as posited by George et al. in 2011. The book offers a plethora of illustrative instances and meticulously analyzed case studies that effectively demonstrate the profound advantages bestowed upon leaders who wholeheartedly embrace the concept of systems thinking. By adopting this holistic approach, these leaders have the remarkable ability to anticipate and comprehend the far-reaching ramifications of their actions, enabling them to make judicious and well-informed decisions.

One pivotal concept elucidated in the book is that leaders should not solely concentrate on rectifying immediate predicaments. However, instead, they should also direct their attention toward improving the underlying factors that give rise to said predicaments. This is by the principles of systems thinking, which advocates for leaders to engage in a more profound exploration of the fundamental systemic factors that give rise to difficulties or disputes within an organization. By effectively identifying and tackling the underlying causes, individuals in positions of authority can proactively devise and implement solutions that are enduring and serve as a deterrent against the recurrence of analogous predicaments in subsequent instances.

Moreover, the book underscores the imperative for individuals in positions of authority to actively partake in perpetual knowledge acquisition and flexible adjustment. Systems thinking encompasses the cognitive capacity to discern and acknowledge organizations’ and their environments’ inherent dynamism and perpetual evolution. As a visionary and influential figure, a leader must exhibit the capacity to flexibly modify strategies and approaches in direct correlation to the dynamic shifts and fluctuations within the prevailing system. This aligns with my understanding of systems thinking because it emphasizes the importance of adaptation and flexibility in leadership, as discussed by Ph.D. (2020) and Mugadza and Marcus (2019).

Concerning my leadership style, approaches, and purpose as a Revenue Manager, I discern their dualistic impact on systems thinking, both augmenting and impeding its efficacy. On the one hand, my leadership purpose, centered on the strategic management of revenue, impels me to engage in systematic contemplation. The practice of revenue management entails the meticulous optimization of pricing, inventory, and distribution strategies with the ultimate goal of maximizing revenue. This pursuit necessitates a comprehensive and systematic approach that considers various interconnected factors. I must contemplate the potential ramifications of alterations in pricing on the demand dynamics, the intricate interplay between inventory levels and revenue generation, and the intricate nexus between distribution channels and the discerning inclinations of customers. This is per the principles of systems thinking as highlighted by Argyris and Schon (1995) and Senge (2010).

Nevertheless, it is conceivable that there exist circumstances wherein my leadership style or methodologies impede the application of systems thinking. As an illustration, should I succumb to the perils of excessive fixation on immediate financial gains, neglecting to account for the broader ramifications on customer contentment and enduring viability, I risk overlooking the interconnected repercussions of my choices. It is of utmost importance for me to effectively navigate the delicate equilibrium between attaining revenue objectives and upholding a comprehensive perspective of the system at hand.

In summation, the book about leadership that has captivated my attention underscores the paramount significance of systems thinking in efficacious leadership. While it resonates with my comprehension of this notion, it concurrently stimulates me to cultivate further my discernment of how the principles of systems thinking can be effectively employed within diverse leadership scenarios. As a Revenue Manager, my leadership purpose is to promote systems thinking. However, I must maintain vigilance, ensuring that my approaches and decisions consistently consider the broader systemic impacts that may arise.


Argyris , C., & Schon, D. A. (1995). Organizational Learning II: Theory, Method, and Practice FAC SUB Edition.,With%20new%20examples%20and%20the%20most%20up%2Dto%2Ddate%20information,incorporated%20in%20today’s%20business%20environment.

George, B., McLean, A., & Craig, N. (2011). Finding Your True North: A Personal Guide. In Google Books. John Wiley & Sons.

Mugadza, G., & Marcus, R. (2019). A Systems Thinking and Design Thinking Approach to Leadership. Expert Journal of Business and Management, 7(1).

Ph.D, J. H. W. (2020). Council Post: The Role Of Systems Thinking In Organizational Change And Development. Forbes.

Senge, P. M. (2010). The Fifth Discipline: The art and practice of the learning organization: Second edition. In Google Books. Random House.


We’ll write everything from scratch


Leadership Reflection – Systems Thinking

Generate strategies for managing conflict while maintaining relationships.


To prepare for this reflection, refer to the leadership book you have been reading for this course.

Reflect on the following in a minimum of 500 words:

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