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Leadership at the Helm-Driving Effective Strategy Implementation through Behaviors and Qualities

Leadership at the Helm-Driving Effective Strategy Implementation through Behaviors and Qualities

Leadership plays a vital role in ensuring that strategies are implemented effectively. According to Jabbar & Hussein (2017), the role of leaders in strategy implementation includes introducing the environment for change, creating a leadership team, and formulating a vision that clarifies the strategy to ensure that everyone in the organization understands it. Therefore, leadership behaviors are important in strategy implementation because they enable the leader to maintain a good relationship with followers so that they can embrace the changes linked to a proposed strategy and motivate the followers to stick to realizing a specific vision. Leadership behavior is also important in overcoming the challenges faced in the strategy implementation process (Mubarak & Yusoff, 2019). Therefore, leaders must exhibit behaviors that enable them to stick to the strategy and continue supporting their followers even when they experience challenges such as resistance to change and lack of enough resources to implement a strategy.

One of the behaviors that I believe are most important in a leader in the strategy implementation process is being objective. Leadership should be objective so that they can convince their followers to work towards achieving the vision linked to a strategy. Leaders must also be flexible so that they can adjust to the changes created by the proposed strategy without showing uncertainties among followers to avoid demotivating them as they strive to meet the vision linked to a proposed strategy. For example, during my role as an operations manager at Barnabas Professional School, I applied flexibility to respond to the automation in the operations of the school to avoid demotivating the employees who were relying on me to guide them in meeting the organization’s operations management expectations. Leaders also require various qualities for effective strategic leadership in strategy implementation. According to Hill et al. (2020), strategic leadership is characterized by effectively managing the strategy development process. Therefore, leaders also require critical thinking skills to make effective decisions on the strategy that should be implemented and the most effective way to implement it based on the organization’s goals, mission, and vision.


Hill, C. W., Schilling, M. A., & Jones, G. R. (2020). Strategic management: An integrated approach: Theory and cases. Cengage Learning Asia Pte Ltd.

Jabbar, A. A., & Hussein, A. M. (2017). The Role of Leadership in Strategic Management. International Journal of Research -GRANTHAALAYAH, 5(5), 99–106.

Mubarak, M., & Yusoff, W. (2019). Impact of Strategic Leadership on Strategy Implementation. British Journal of Management and Marketing Studies, 2(1).


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Unit 8 DB: LeadershipUnit 8 DB: Leadership
We end with leadership, which many would argue should be at the start of any organization. Discuss the importance of leadership behaviors with effective strategy implementation.

Leadership at the Helm-Driving Effective Strategy Implementation through Behaviors and Qualities

What qualities and behaviors do you believe are most important in a leader relevant to strategy implementation? If applicable, include your personal experiences.

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