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Key Populations and Ethical Considerations

Key Populations and Ethical Considerations

Key Populations

The key populations are fundamental to this study. It will include three groups of participants: pediatric patients, nurses who deliver direct care, and nursing leaders like nurse educators, nursing informatics, nurse managers, and directors who will play a significant role in implementing the findings of the study. Besides, nursing students and professionals will act as researchers by investigating how CPOE can be used to increase the efficiency of nursing by reducing errors such as drug overdose.

Ethical Considerations in the Recruitment Process

In this study, there are several ethical considerations concerning the selection of the participants. Overlooking these considerations should not be in the research; they include respect for privacy, which is very crucial in this study because it will involve pediatric patients, and it will be against their consent since they did not permit the use of their medical records in the chart study. Access to medical records should only be restricted to authorized personnel to avoid access to the patient’s data by people who are not directly involved in the patient’s care. Also, the researcher should ensure that the study is accurate and precise to avoid creating an excessively attractive study because the information used is unbiased, and the information provided should be complete and appropriate as per every stage of the recruitment (Cox et al., 2014). In some cases, patients think that taking part in research is beneficial, primarily when healthcare providers support it (Gyure et al., 2014).

Ethical Concerns Related To Data Collection/Intervention Activities

Ethically challenging situations may emerge during data collection and intervention. Often, consideration of the anonymity of the participants is essential. The researcher should try. to minimize as much as possible the possibility of intruding on the autonomy of the participants. Moreover, the researcher has the responsibility to inform all the participants on different parts of the research (Tripathy, 2013). Notably, issues like the nature of the study, the roles of the participants, and the objective of the study should be clarified. It is vital for the researchers to extract only the information needed, and they should be coded for the purpose of answering the research questions. Also, any identifying information from the collected data should be removed by the data controllers before any usage in the usage. The data, for instance, may be coded in various formats to conceal, with only a few people having access to the coding key. Therefore, it is essential for the observation of the principle of no harm to avoid any form of conflict with such participants by the researchers (Sanjari, Bahramnezhad, Fomani, Shoghi & Cheraghi, 2014). It is also essential to seek ethical clearance from the Institutional Review Board before starting the research data collection process, mostly when it comes to dealing with vital information because of the policies they have in place.

Treatment of Data

The collected data should remain confidential. There should be no revelation of patients’ personal information. Patient data should only be used for the study. In some cases, the researcher may be forced to clarify in writing which individuals can have access to the data collected and its usage. Besides, the researcher can also use a computerized data storage system and pseudonyms to protect personal information (Cox et al.,2014). The researcher should decide who will have access to the collected data. For instance, when openly recording the field notes. The privacy of the participants is prudent. The researcher should make sure that only those who were involved in the research can access the collected data. It will come in handy in protecting the participants from harm, such as embarrassment, Distress, and discrimination, if there is the accessibility of data by non-participants (Sanjari et al., 2014). It is also recommendable that the participants remain anonymous to reduce cases of easily identifiable information regarding the research subjects in case of data disclosure.

Conflict Of Interest

During data analysis and interpretation, there are instances when unintentional self-interest and bias may hinder the decisions of the researcher. Meaning that some difficulties arise when trying to create a balance between the interests of the participants and those of the researcher (Ghooi, 2015). Therefore, if this study is affected by such issues, its implementation will not be wholly based on the responses of the participants. Also, most of the companies and organizations fund the studies. This fact can affect the research. For instance, the researcher can manipulate the collected data so that it can be attractive and convincing to the sponsors. In this case, the honesty and integrity of the researcher, as well as the implementation of the study, will be compromised (Gyure et al., 2014). It is even worse if the researcher allows his or her financial interests to interfere with the roles and responsibilities of a study.


Cox, S., Drew, S., Guillemin, M., Howell, C., Warr, D., & Waycott, J. (2014). Guidelines for ethical visual research methods. Visual Research Collaboratory. Retrieved from:

Ghooi, R. B. (2015). Conflict of interest in clinical research. Perspectives in clinical research, 6(1), 10. Retrieved from: 3485;year=2015;volume=6;issue=1;spage=10;epage=14;aulast=Ghooi

Gyure, M. E., Quillin, J. M., Rodríguez, V. M., Markowitz, M. S., Corona, R. A., Borzelleca, J. F., & Bodurtha, J. N. (2014). Practical considerations for implementing research recruitment etiquette. IRB, 36(6), 7. Retrieved from:

Nijhawan, L. P., Janodia, M. D., Muddukrishna, B. S., Bhat, K. M., Bairy, K. L., Udupa, N., & Musmade, P. B. (2013). Informed consent: Issues and challenges. Journal of advanced pharmaceutical technology & research, 4(3), 134. Retrieved from: 4040;year=2013;volume=4;issue=3;spage=134;epage=140;aulast=Nijhawan

Sanjari, M., Bahramnezhad, F., Fomani, F. K., Shoghi, M., & Cheraghi, M. A. (2014). Ethical challenges of researchers in qualitative studies: The necessity to develop a specific guideline. Journal of medical ethics and history of medicine, 7. Retrieved from:

Tripathy, J. P. (2013). Secondary data analysis: ethical issues and challenges. Iranian journal of public health, 42(12), 1478. Retrieved from:


We’ll write everything from scratch


This week, compose the key population and ethical considerations portion of your research. In this section, address the following:

Describe the key populations in your study, both the participants and the researchers.

Key Populations and Ethical Considerations

Describe any ethical considerations in relation to the recruitment of the participants and your plans to address them.

Explain any ethical concerns related to data collection/intervention activities (these can include participants refusing participation or early withdrawal from the study and response to any predictable adverse events) and your plan to address them.

Describe the treatment of data, who has access to the research data, and the protection of confidential material.

5. Explain any conflicts of interest that may arise if your study were to be implemented.

This section of your research should be 3–4 pages in length, written in APA format with cited references.

Review the rubric for grading criteria.

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