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Key Performance Indicators and Information Technology Infrastructure Library

Key Performance Indicators and Information Technology Infrastructure Library

Key performance indicators or KPIs are a measure or gauge of how a company, project, or even website is performing in comparison to the requirements and goals set out. In order for KPIs to be effective, they must be actionable, quantifiable, and related to the organization’s success. An actionable key performance indicator is one that can be improved upon with intentional action. Key performance indicators that can only be measured but not improved upon are ineffective. Quantifiable means that a performance indicator can be ranked using a numerical value with a higher value being assigned for better performance. All KPIs must be related to increasing the performance of the company. Some indicators can show a metric that seems to improve performance but does not. It is thus important for managers to intensely analyze the key performance indicators before selecting (Hristov & Chirico, 2019).

Some of the key performance indicators for a website include the rate of subscription, average pages visited by users, and leads generated. A higher rate of subscription indicates better website performance, and the objective is to increase the rate of subscription and the total number of subscribers. When a website has multiple subscribers, it is easier for the organization to spread its information to potential customers who are already interested in their areas of expertise. It is also important for organizations to retain the number of subscribers that have already joined the service. Subscribers can be used as a point of gaining feedback apart from just acting as a performance measure.

The average number of pages viewed by each website visitor per session is also important, as well as the pages visited. If users spend more time on a particular page on the website, it can indicate to the organization that the page has interesting information, and if it is a product on the page, it is a sign the organization should market the product more. If users spend very short periods of time on a website, it might be indicative that the user interface is unfriendly. The number of leads created is one of the main performance indicators of a website. Leads can include the number of phone calls resulting from visits to the website, email responses, and visits to the office. Leads from websites can become the main source of customers if an organization invests in creating a user-friendly and informative website. Once key performance indicators are selected, it is important for an organization to maintain them, especially if they are effective and actionable.

In the world of information technology management and the delivery of IT services, ITIL certifications are recognized as one of the best platforms for developing the required skills in the industry. ITIL certifications are standard for all information technology management that was developed as a result of the increasing reliance on I.T. ITIL is an acronym for information technology infrastructure library and is currently owned by Axelos since 2013. Axelos is co-owned by the United Kingdom cabinet and capita (Geada & Anunciação, 2020). The certification aims to enforce the service management culture for all its students and staff. Students can enroll for the course online or visit academic institutions that offer the course. Examinations usually consist of multiple-choice questions and require a grade of 60% or more in order to pass and receive the certification. The certification can assist learners and managers in becoming more effective in how they plan and communicate with their teams (Gërvalla, Preniqi & Kopacek, 2018). The certification is also not specific to a particular technology or company structure and, as a result, will make its learners versatile. The certification also opens doors for job employment since the certification is marketable and well-recognized, especially in the United Kingdom.

In order to better understand how ITIL can assist organizations and individuals in growing and advancing in achieving their goals, we shall look at Walt Disney’s adaptation of ITIL. The organization began implementing the ITIL framework in the mid-2000s and has kept the framework ever since. Disney’s approach to the framework was to take some of their IT experts through the certification in order to bring back their experience to the company. The organization uses technology for customer response and communication on platforms such as social media and Verizon-enabled devices. With the use of the ITIL framework and standards, Disney has managed to reduce the number of delays for rides and cartoon character meet-ups with fans of all ages. The organization also introduced portable handheld devices that can only be used within a particular radius in order to improve communication efficiency. The entire communication system is run using the ITIL standard framework and culture. The Walt Disney Company started implementing the framework from one department as a test run. After the successful integration of the framework, the company decided to fully embrace the ITIL framework and make it part of the company culture. As a result, the company has seen profits grow, wastage reduce, and efficiency increase since the mid-2000s. Other companies and organizations that have implemented ITIL have also realized improvements in the management of information systems (Gunawan, 2019).


Geada, N., & Anunciação, P. (2020). Change Management Projects in Information Systems: The Impact of the Methodology Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL). In Handbook of Research on Emerging Technologies for Effective Project Management (pp. 185-199). IGI Global.

Gërvalla, M., Preniqi, N., & Kopacek, P. (2018). IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL) framework approach to IT Governance. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 51(30), 181-185.

Gunawan, H. (2019, August). Strategic Management for IT Services Using the Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) Framework. In 2019 International Conference on Information Management and Technology (ICIMTech) (Vol. 1, pp. 362-366). IEEE.

Hristov, I., & Chirico, A. (2019). The role of sustainability key performance indicators (KPIs) in implementing sustainable strategies. Sustainability, 11(20), 5742.


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Information Technology Infrastructure Library

Information Technology Infrastructure Library

  1.  Please do research on 3 KPIs for measuring the efficiency of a website for attracting new customers.
  2. Please do research on ITIL 4 certificates to find answers to the following questions.
  1. Please do a search on an organization that used ITIL as an IT service management framework and explain its success story.
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