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The Supreme Court of the United States holds that juvenile courts must provide young wrongdoers with basic constitutional defenses during juvenile commitment proceedings. These constitutional protections include “advance notice of the charges, the right to counsel, the right to confront and cross-examine adverse witnesses, and the right to remain silent (“CONSTITUTIONAL PROTECTIONS AFFORDED JUVENILES”, n.d.). In addition, the Supreme Court extends the search and seizure protections of the Fourth Amendment to young wrongdoers. Also, according to “CONSTITUTIONAL PROTECTIONS AFFORDED JUVENILES” (n.d.), the Fourth Amendment holds that young people who are arrested with no warrants be accorded a probable cause hearing.

Furthermore, the United States Constitution accords an accused criminal the “right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury… to be informed of the Counsel for his defence” (Hill II, 2007) through the Sixth Amendment. Through this Amendment, the juvenile is given the right to have an attorney and witnesses to testify on their behalf. Even though the Sixth Amendment relates to all states via the Fourteenth Amendment’s Due Process Clause and the Supreme Court extends constitutional rights to young wrongdoers, the Court also holds that “the right to a trial by jury is not applicable in juvenile proceedings” (Hill II, 2007). Basically, the United States Fourteenth Amendment of the constitution guarantees all rights and equal treatment of all persons before the law. These include the right to be informed about their rights and charges against them, having an attorney, trial by jury, the right to not testify against themselves, and speedy and public trials.

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According to the Fifth Amendment, Juveniles are protected against self-incrimination in juvenile proceedings regardless of the noncriminal characteristic of these trials (“CONSTITUTIONAL PROTECTIONS AFFORDED JUVENILES”, n.d.). Moreover, the Fifth Amendment of the United States Constitution states that the courts cannot try individuals more than once for the same crime or take away the person’s property or life without fair trials.


CONSTITUTIONAL PROTECTIONS AFFORDED JUVENILES. The United States Department of Justice Archives. Retrieved 7 May 2022, from

Hill II, G. (2007). Revisiting Juvenile Justice: The Requirement for Jury Trials in Juvenile Proceedings under the Sixth Amendment. Heinonline. Retrieved 7 May 2022, from.


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According to the U.S. Supreme Court, the proceedings of a juvenile court must comply with the Constitution.


Explain specifically how juveniles are guaranteed many of the rights of the Fifth, Sixth, and Fourteenth Amendments.

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