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Juvenile Probation Program – San Joaquin County

Juvenile Probation Program – San Joaquin County

Juvenile probation systems vary amongst the various counties of different states. Accordingly, the city of Stockton in San Joaquin County, in the State of California, has a different judicial system, hence a distinct Juvenile probation system. In Stockton, the juvenile probation system is overseen by the Stockton California Juvenile Justice and the San Joaquin County Probation Department. Juvenile probation is a form of program that entails the overseeing and monitoring of juveniles by police officers. Accordingly, there are various guidelines for juvenile probation that determine its effectiveness.

Subsequently, various juvenile probation guidelines are listed under the San Joaquin County Probation Department (San Joaquin County Probation Department, 5). The first guideline is based on the type of supervision, whereby the probation is either under community or home-based overseeing and monitoring. The second guideline is based on the intensity of the probation activities, including “deferred entry of judgment, informal probation (welfare and institutions code § 654.2), probation without wardship (welfare and institutions code § 725), probation officers on campus, county supervision, reconnect day reporting center, and placement” (San Joaquin County Probation Department, 5). The overlooking involves overseeing activities such as attending counseling, community service, and the actions of the juvenile delinquents.

Juvenile probation is effective; this effectiveness of juvenile probation is determined by the data collected. The first evidence of the effectiveness of probation is the increase in the number of probation cases resulting from adjudication in 2015 (Hockenberry & Puzzanchera, 50). This increase represents the efficiency of probation from 2005, leading to the rise in probation dispositions in 2015. Therefore, probation is effective because the youth are supervised, limiting delinquency’s chances of promoting behavioral transformation. Thus, juvenile probation is effective.

Works Cited

Hockenberry, S., & Puzzanchera, C. (2018). Juvenile Court Statistics 2015: 50. Retrieved from

San Joaquin County Probation Department. (2017). Juvenile Justice Crime Prevention Act & Youthful Offender Block Grant (JJCPA-YOBG) San Joaquin County Probation Department 2017-18 Consolidated Annual Plan: 5. Retrieved from


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Juvenile Probation Program

Juvenile Probation Program

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