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Justifying Conquest- A Comparative Analysis of Sargon of Akkad and Cyrus the Great

Justifying Conquest- A Comparative Analysis of Sargon of Akkad and Cyrus the Great

Emperors used various justifications to prevent retaliation from their followers for attacking neighboring regions. Sargon of Akkad explained and justified his conquest over other peoples by using the motif in the Enmerkar and the Lord of Arrata literature. According to Maeda, the literature states, “You are the beloved lord of Inanna, you alone are exalted. Inanna has truly chosen you for her holy lap, you are her beloved. From the south to the highlands, you are the great lord, and I am only second to you; from the moment of conception, I was not your equal, you are the older brother. I cannot match you ever.” This statement suggested that the goddess Inanna had chosen Sargon of Akkad to take over neighboring regions and rule them.

Cyrus the Great explained and justified his conquest of other places by convincing the people that he was the prince of peace. For instance, he stated, “I sought the welfare of the city of Babylon and all its sacred centers. As for the citizens of Babylon, [x x x upon wh]om he imposed a corvée which was not the gods’ wish and not befitting them, I relieved their weariness and freed them from their service. Marduk, the great lord, rejoiced over [my good] deeds” (Cogan 3). This statement suggests that Cyrus the Great assumed that the only way he could free the people of Babylon was by conquering the region and introducing a new leadership that focused on observing the welfare of the people in the region. The two emperors believed that they could only create long-lasting changes in neighboring regions by conquering them and passing laws that created the intended change.

Works Cited

Cogan, Mordechai, translator. Cyrus Cylinder Translation – Livius. 1 Feb. 2014,

Maeda, T. Royal Inscriptions of Lugalzagesi and Sargon. 2005,


We’ll write everything from scratch


our first assignment consists of two questions worth 5 points each. Both questions will require you to consult primary source readings posted to Canvas. Your answers should be written as formal essays, with an introductory paragraph and body paragraphs led by strong topic sentences.

Justifying Conquest- A Comparative Analysis of Sargon of Akkad and Cyrus the Great

Justifying Conquest- A Comparative Analysis of Sargon of Akkad and Cyrus the Great

Consider the inscriptions of two victorious emperors, Sargon of Akkad (c. 2300 BCE) and Cyrus the Great (c. 550 BCE), that are posted to canvas. Compare and contrast the way that these two rulers explained and justified their conquest of other peoples. You must quote directly from both sources in your answer.

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