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Journal Article Analysis on Ethical Leadership

Journal Article Analysis on Ethical Leadership


Ethical leadership demonstrates normatively acceptable behavior through personal action and interpersonal relationships and promotes such behavior to followers through two-way contact, encouragement, and decision-making. According to this concept, the ethical individual and the moral manager are the two critical positions of an ethical leader [CITATION Sha199 \p 613-614 \l 16393 ].


The selected article, “The Role of Ethical Leadership in Developing Sustainable Organization, ” was written by Hasanuzzaman Tushar. He is a Ph.D. student in HR and Organizational Development at the Graduate School of HR and Organizational Development. He is an Assistant Professor at Dhaka’s IUBAT. He was also a visiting lecturer at Chandigarh University. According to the chosen post, ethical leadership is critical in creating a booming long-term climate for the organization. Subordinates may feel competent about their job when their supervisor respects them. Ethical leaders love others and should not force them to adapt to satisfy their creative needs[ CITATION Tus17 \l 16393 ]. The issue of equity and justice is critical to all ethical leaders. They want to treat any subordinate and the whole group equally; if unjust choices were taken, they would depend on the individual’s quality or expertise. The article also argues that “ethical leadership” is essential for avoiding litigation costs and improving organizational efficiency by fostering constructive relationships between workers and management, growing employee loyalty, and increasing stakeholder confidence [ CITATION Tus17 \l 16393 ].


The selected article is closely related to the “ethical leadership,” term, presenting much-related information. I selected this article because it is a recently published article. There is much valuable and exciting information about ethical leaders and leadership. In this article, the author discusses that ethical leadership is vital for avoiding litigation costs and improving organizational success by fostering meaningful relationships between staff and management, increasing employee loyalty, and increasing stakeholder confidence. I agree that ethical leadership gives workers a reason to do better, but when the organization’s ideals are high, leadership on employee success is enhanced[ CITATION Sha169 \l 16393 ]. This article is straightforward to comprehend and written in simple and easy language. He healthily did many things. For example, the importance of ethical leadership in an organization is discussed with the help of many supporting pieces of evidence. The author could do better if he also discussed some ethical leadership styles.

The author should include ways to improve ethical leadership and challenges with this type of leadership. It is because of its great importance in organizational performance. The author used a qualitative research method for conducting this research. He used many journal articles, papers, and case studies to present information about this leadership. The article should focus on the effect of different cultures and sustainable organizations on ethical leadership. The audience would gain much interesting information from this selected article. They can apply this information in their professional career in various manners. For example, they can ensure that ethical standards are followed in the company[ CITATION Jia172 \l 16393 ]. I gained much information from this article that enhanced my knowledge regarding the topic. From this article, I have learned that Ethical leadership activities provide a role model for core values and ethical decision-making for the greater good in the corporate community. Another peer-reviewed paper indicated that unethical issues flourish in this organization and that disclosing them would warn the organization, which will undoubtedly take steps, so it has mechanisms to report them [ CITATION Mos182 \l 16393 ].


Kabeyi, M. J. (2018). Ethical and unethical leadership issues, cases, and dilemmas with case studies. International Journal of Network Security, 373-379.

Ma, J., & Ko, C. (2017). Ethical Leadership: An Integrative Review and Future Research Agenda. Ethics & Behavior, 1-29.

Malik, S., Timsal, A., Awais, M., & Qureshi, H. (2016). Impact of Ethical Leadership on Employees’ Performance: Moderating Role of Organizational Values. International Review of Management and Marketing, 590-595.

Shakeel, F., Kruyen, P. M., & Van Thiel, S. (2019). Ethical Leadership as Process: A Conceptual Proposition. Public Integrity, 613-624.

Tushar, H. (2017). The Role of Ethical Leadership in Developing Sustainable Organization.

International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics, 2(2), 83-95.


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Need a journal article analysis on  leadership

Need the article in the below format

Journal Article Analysis on Ethical Leadership

Definition – Write a brief definition of the chosen vital term followed by the APA reference for the term; this does not count in the word requirement.

Summary – Summarize the article in your own words- this should be in the 150-200 word range. Be sure to note the article’s author, their credentials, and why we should put any weight behind their opinions, research, or findings regarding the critical term.

Discussion – Using 300-350 words, write a brief discussion, in your own words, of how the article relates to the selected chapter’s Key Term. A discussion is not rehashing what was already stated in the article but the opportunity for you to add value by sharing your experiences, thoughts, and opinions. This is the most essential part of the assignment.


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