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Journal Article Analysis On Artificial Intelligence

Journal Article Analysis On Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence involves developing innovations that can simulate human intelligence by incorporating software that tends to behave and think like humans (Kaplan, 2016). Thus, AI is a term that refers to machines that have similar traits associated with human minds, including continued learning and problem-solving. Artificial intelligence’s definition is informed by the device’s ability to make a logical decision without human intervention and take actions that fit a specific need. The thinking of the traditional intelligent robots that referred to them as harmful has always continued to bring negative connotations when people try to define artificial intelligence.

Artificial intelligence is developed with close association with human intelligence to help machines mimic and do different jobs. The critical characteristics of AI are its ability to reason, learn, and have perception. However, with the advancement in AI technology, what is previously regarded as AI cannot be seen as essential technology functions since regular computer programs can complete them. Recently, development has seen AI becoming an integral part of human life since it can be integrated into all life activities. Artificial intelligence is now used in many functions across various industries and sectors. For example, AI is being implemented in the healthcare sector to perform complex medical procedures making the technology a social tool beyond being an advanced technology.

My Opinion on AI

 Artificial development started in id 1950s and has seen tremendous growth with central innovative ideas. Learning from past development, AI’s future is unpredictable, but it is expected to be exciting and integrate more into our life. The technology level of development is at a stage that has seen it overcome entry barriers allowing for the various project to be successfully implemented. While AI  advancement focused on the functioning of the technology in the past, that focus has now shifted to the benefits of the advancement to the competitive advantage of the organizations implementing the technology. Artificial intelligence is in the deployment stage since the technology is readily available to the public, but the shared vision is on its engineering. Deployed AI stage allows the technology to focus on the application where technical and non-technical individuals are critical elements of the technology deployment.

Like all other emerging technologies, the impact of AI to be genuinely available must have a direct and measurable impact on people’s life. The application of AI to such functions as business automation is critical since it helps solve customer and employee issues. AI development is a multifaceted approach considering it covers broad aspects of human behaviors that must be incorporated to have accurate artificial intelligence.

Currently, artificial intelligence has been developed to function similarly to human intelligence. AI technology has been developed while considering the best data use and testing standards to allow the application to follow the desired consistency and fairness. Organizations and businesses are approaching a level where they will be forced to use AI to succeed in their operations and achieve sustainable competitive advantage in the era of tough business competition (HE, 2019).

Artificial Intelligence Technologies

Artificial intelligence has seen tremendous advancement recently with a fundamental contribution to human life. Several AI technologies are available today, and the development is not expected to stop soon.

Medical AI

 A critical area that has experienced AI applications is the medical field, which has caused significant disruption. AI in the medical field performs different operations, such as assisting patients in taking elevators, providing accurate medication schedules, and performing complex operations, among many other applications (Chang, 2020). The ability offered by AI robots, especially in performing complex surgery procedures, has been embraced since it outperforms human abilities.

AI in e-commerce delivery

 Doing business over the Internet has seen an increase in e-commerce, where businesses must deliver products to designated areas effectively. Robots are taking a critical role in delivering orders changing how online business and delivery have been previously done. AI delivery robots are equipped with necessary accessories, such as sensors and cameras, that guide them in accessing the correct route to the delivery location. Furthermore, delivery robots are developed to follow traffic rules such as traffic lights, and they can raise the alarm in an emergency.

AI in agriculture

The agriculture industry has benefited from AI technologies, especially in farming applications requiring intensive operations. For example, intelligent robots are being used in Japan to manage rice fields where they can manage insects and weeds.

Artificial intelligence chefs

Robots are being used to prepare and serve food in different areas. The AI-enabled robots have been experimented with in rice and fish preparation and serving with a significant level of success. Another application in the hospitality industry is using robots such as the one called SCARA to inform the patron when the table is prepared and ready.

Perception of AI at Different Industries and Locations

 Artificial intelligence is categorized as general or narrow artificial intelligence. No particular domain characterizes general AI but has applications across different industries and locations (Voss, n.d.). However, narrow AI operates on tasks specific to a given industry and location, depending on their designed domain.


Chang, M. (2020). Overview of modern artificial intelligence. Artificial Intelligence for Drug Development, Precision Medicine, and Healthcare, 1-16.

HE, Y. (2019). The importance of artificial intelligence to economic growth. Korean Artificial Intelligence, 7(1), 17-22.

Kaplan, J. (2016). Defining artificial intelligence. Artificial Intelligence.

Voss, P. (n.d.). Essentials of general intelligence: The direct path to artificial general intelligence. Artificial  General Intelligence, 131-157.


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Journal Article Analysis On Artificial Intelligence

Journal Article Analysis On Artificial Intelligence

Definition – Write a brief definition of the chosen vital term followed by the APA reference for the term; this does not count in the word requirement.

Summary – Summarize the article in your own words- this should be in the 150-200 word range. Be sure to note the article’s author, their credentials, and why we should put any weight behind their opinions, research, or findings regarding the critical term.

Discussion – Using 300-350 words, write a brief discussion, in your own words, of how the article relates to the selected chapter’s Key Term. A discussion is not rehashing what was already stated in the article but the opportunity for you to add value by sharing your experiences, thoughts, and opinions. This is the most essential part of the assignment.


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