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Jigsaw Puzzle Teaching Method

Jigsaw Puzzle Teaching Method

The jigsaw puzzle teaching method promotes cooperation in learning. It helps in breaking down stereotyping and prejudices in classrooms. In the jigsaw puzzle, each student is given a topic that will contribute to the jigsaw puzzle’s final product. It involves giving a topic and splitting the class into diverse groups. Each student is then assigned an aspect of the topic within the group. The students will then collaborate to make a report. The groups then reconvene to hear the members present their topics. A test is then given to test the student’s understanding of the topic. Social psychology mainly focuses on how people influence the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of others. The jigsaw puzzle shows how students can collaborate without prejudice and stereotype; hence, it can be applied in social psychology to study diverse students’ behaviors in a classroom and interact with each other. The jigsaw puzzle has been evidenced to lower conflicts between different ethnicities and foster relationships between ethnic groups. This paper will aim to critically appraise research articles that have been conducted on the jigsaw puzzle teaching method.

Current Research

Research Article 1: Jigsaw Variations and Attitudes About Learning and the Self in Cognitive Psychology.

Description of the Study. This study evaluates the effectiveness of the jigsaw technique in a university setting in terms of how students believe in themselves in terms of academics. It further explores the extent of exposure to this technique that ensures the jigsaw technique positively affects the students. The participants were 70 students who were attending an urban minority university. They were enrolled in one of the three sections that professors taught. A 7-point Likert-type scale was used to formulate questions for data collection (Crone & Portillo, 2013). This study showed that the jigsaw puzzle increased the students’ confidence to teach others, and their self-esteem was also increased.

Significance of the Study. The study’s significance is that it aims to prove the jigsaw classroom’s positive effect on students’ cognitive ability. This study can thus be used to explore other studies, and educators can incorporate the results to improve their students’ confidence and self-esteem.

Strength and Weakness. One of this study’s strengths is its validity and reliability; the results were presented from direct observation and questionnaires. Another strength is that the literature review has been extensively reviewed, and there are appropriate citations on previously done work on the same topic. The language is also easy to understand, and there is a systematic flow of key points. This study’s major weakness is that it was conducted on university-level students other than primary and secondary levels. These students are not legally mandated to attend lessons, and attendance and withdrawals were not included as parameters in this study. Another weakness was that the study was conducted in the faculty’s classrooms; hence, the effects may have been influenced by the professors’ teaching style. The sample size was also small; hence the study might have underperformed.

Synthesis and Transition. In general, this study is relevant to the jigsaw puzzle and can be used to conduct other studies. This study’s results can also aid educators in the importance of jigsaw puzzles as an efficient teaching tool.

Research Article 2: She Who Teaches Learns: Performance Benefits of a Jigsaw Activity in a College Classroom

Description of the Study. This study explored the effects of jigsaw activities on the performance of college students. The participants were 123 students enrolled in a social psychology course (Nolan et al., 2018). The students were then allocated topics in which then they were to teach their peers. They were then tested on the topics or asked to choose their preferred topics. The results showed that the majority preferred to write about the topic they were assigned, and if forced to write about all the assigned topics, they performed better on the topic that was assigned to them.

Significance of the Study. The study’s significance was that it explored the jigsaw classroom’s effects on individual students’ performance. It aimed to outline the effectiveness of the jigsaw puzzle in promoting cooperation learning. The results showed the importance of jigsaw activities on the learning abilities of students.

Strength and Weakness. The study’s strength was the literature review was exhaustively covered, and the data was covered and cited. The results were also presented in a manner that could be well interpreted; hence they were reliable and valid. The study’s weakness was that it did not differentiate whether the high individual performance was due to the teaching or preparation effects. Another limitation was that the study only used the student’s final grades as a covariate.

Synthesis and Transition. From this study, recommendations can be made for future research. One recommendation would be to use other factors, such as GPA, in measuring the students’ understanding ability. Future studies should also differentiate whether the final grade is due to the student’s preparation or teaching effects.

Research Article 3: Jigsaw Classroom: Is It an Effective Method of Teaching and Learning? Student’s Opinions and Experience

Description of the Study. The study aimed to analyze students’ experience in the jigsaw classroom and explore their opinions towards the advantages and disadvantages of the jigsaw classroom technique. It was a cross-sectional study conducted among 152 first-year MBBS students. They were subjected to jigsaw teaching on a topic, and a pre-test and post-test were conducted using questionnaires (Nusrath et al., 2018). The pre-test and post-test results showed that the participants better understood the topic after the jigsaw classroom.

Significance of the Study. The study’s significance was that it outlined the jigsaw classroom’s positive effect on understanding the topics allocated to them.

Strength and weaknesses. The strength of the study was that the sample size was a bit large to produce conclusive results. The paper’s whole presentation also had pictorial and color presentations, making it eye-catching to read. The study also showed results that had previously gotten in previous studies; hence it is reliable. One major limitation was that the study did not have a control group that used traditional teaching methods to compare the outcomes.

Synthesis and Transition. This study has shown that the jigsaw classroom improves students’ understanding of class topics when the jigsaw classroom is used. Hence, training educators on the importance and proper ways of using the jigsaw classroom to improve their students’ cognitive abilities is important.

Review Article 4: Exploring Changes in Science Teachers’ Attitudes Toward Culturally Diverse Students During an Equity-Focused Course

Description of the Study. This study explored how an equitable science teaching course influenced beginning science teachers’ attitudes toward culturally diverse students. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with eight participants (Titu et al., 2018). The study results showed that the teachers felt more prepared to work with culturally diverse students.

Significance of the Study. The study’s significance highlighted the importance of early engagement with beginning science teachers to equip them with the necessary skills and attitudes in dealing with culturally diverse students.

Strength and weaknesses. The study’s strength was that there was an elaborate literature review, and hence the information presented was reliable and valid. The study’s major weakness was that the sample was too small, and hence the study could have underperformed.

Synthesis and Transition. From this study, we see the importance of teachers’ educators to prepare their teachers early enough to be better placed to deal with culturally diverse students without any prejudice or judgment.

Book; Equity in School-Parent Partnerships: Cultivating Community and Family Trust in Culturally Diverse Classrooms

Description of the Book. This book aims to educate teachers on the importance of a jigsaw classroom. It explores common practices in the modern education system (Herrera et al., 2020). The book mainly focuses on the importance of the jigsaw classroom.

Significance of the Book. The significance of this cannot be understated. It highlights why it is important to incorporate the jigsaw classroom with culturally diverse students.

Strengths and Weaknesses. The book’s strength is its elaboration on the importance of the jigsaw classroom and its positive effects on culturally diverse students. The major weakness is that the author is biased toward the jigsaw classroom, and he believes that the jigsaw classroom is the most preferred learning environment.

Synthesis and Transition. This book is significant and relevant to my topic since it outlines the importance of creating a learning environment that appreciates culturally diverse students.

Biblical Worldview Integration

Live in harmony with one another. Do not be haughty, but associate with the lowly. Never be wise in your own sight.’ (English Standard Version Bible, 2001,  Romans 12:16). This scripture from the Bible teaches us to live with each other in harmony. It encourages people to interact with the lowly in society. Even though we may be diverse individuals in terms of ethnicity, socioeconomic background, or even culture, this verse encourages us to live together as one, The children of one God who is our creator.

In the book of Revelations, the Bible also talks about the diversity present in the world. “After this, I looked, and behold, a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, with palm branches in their hands” (English Standard Version Bible, 2001, Revelation 7:9). This verse talks about the diversity of the world’s population. Even though they come from different nations and tribes and speak different languages, they are treated as equals in the eyes of the Lord in Heaven.

‘And people will come from east and west, and from north and south, and recline at table in the kingdom of God.’ ( English Standard Version, 2001, Luke 13:29). This scripture highlights that even though we come from different parts of the world with different cultures, we are still one in the eyes of the Lord. All these scriptures of the Bible support the concept of the jigsaw classroom. This concept focuses on the importance of acknowledging different ethnicities and cultural diversities in classrooms. The scriptures say that we are all the children of one God, and there should be no discrimination since the children of God belong to all of us.


All these research articles have shown the importance of the Jigsaw classroom in improving students’ cognitive abilities, thinking, self-confidence, and esteem. Hence educators should consider using this technique in their classrooms to foster cooperation among culturally diverse students. However, the studies had one major common effect since they did not have a control group of traditional teaching methods. Future researchers on the jigsaw puzzle should consider adding the control groups to allow valid and more reliable conclusions.


Crone, T. S., & Portillo, M. C. (2013). Jigsaw Variations and Attitudes About Learning and the Self in Cognitive Psychology. Teaching of Psychology, 40(3), 246–251.

English Standard Version Bible. (2001). ESV Online.

Herrera, S. G., Porter, Lisa, (Assistant Professor of Sociology), & Barko-Alva, K. (2020). Equity in school-parent partnerships: Cultivating community and family trust in culturally diverse classrooms. New York, NY: Teachers College Press.

Nolan, J. M., Hanley, B. G., DiVietri, T. P., Harvey, N. A. (2018). She who teaches learns Performance benefits of a jigsaw activity in a college classroom. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology, 4(2), 93-104.

Nusrath, A., Dhananjaya, S. Y., Dyayegowda, N., Arasegowda, R., Ningappa, A., & Begum, R. (2019). Jigsaw classroom Is it an effective method of teaching and learning? Student’s opinions and experience. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, 13(2), JC01-JC04.

Titu, P., Ring-Whalen, E. A., Brown, J. C., & Roehrig, G. H. (2018). Exploring changes in science teachers’ attitudes toward culturally diverse students during an equity focuses course. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 29(5), 378-396.


We’ll write everything from scratch


Jigsaw Puzzle Teaching Method

This assignment is the third and final installment of our Research Paper series. You now have an opportunity to synthesize and present the information you have gathered on your chosen topic. In doing so, you will realize the value of skillful and effective examination of scholarly articles. You will also begin to develop a greater understanding of the value and importance of your topic in the field of Social Psychology. Finally, you will have an opportunity to briefly examine your topic in light of a biblical worldview perspective. The process we have followed in this series is one you are likely to find useful in future classes.

Jigsaw Puzzle Teaching Method

Jigsaw Puzzle Teaching Method


For this assignment, you will:

  1.  Include the following main sections (level 1 headings) and sub-sections (level 2 headings):
    • a. Introduction: describe your topic and explain its importance to Social Psychology (and life!). End the introduction with a purpose statement for your paper.
    • b. Current Research: present the five research studies described in your Annotated Bibliography. Please do not copy the annotation from your previous assignment, but instead, address these points:
      • i. Research Article 1: Descriptive Title
        • Briefly describe this study
        • Explain the significance of the study.
        • Describe strengths and weaknesses.
        • Synthesis and connection/transition.
      • ii. Research Article 2: Descriptive Title
        • Briefly describe this study
        • Explain the significance of the study.
        • Describe strengths and weaknesses.
        • Synthesis and connection/transition.
      • iii. Research Article 3: Descriptive Title
        • Briefly describe this study
        • Explain the significance of the study.
        • Describe strengths and weaknesses.
        • Synthesis and connection/transition.
      • iv. Research Article 4: Descriptive Title
        • Briefly describe this study
        • Explain the significance of the study.
        • Describe strengths and weaknesses.
        • Synthesis and connection/transition.
      • v. Research Article 5: Descriptive Title
        • Briefly describe this study
        • Explain the significance of the study.
        • Describe strengths and weaknesses.
        • Synthesis and connection/transition.
    • c. Biblical Worldview Integration: What does scripture say about your topic? Please provide depth/detail here. This section should include approximately 500 words.
    • d. Conclusion: Bring the various concepts together as you describe the discoveries you have made, identify strengths and weaknesses, and indicate possible directions for future research.
  2. Apply current APA formatting guidelines within the following structure:
    • a. Title page (apply APA student standards)
    • b. Body/Text (1,500-2,000 words; include appropriate APA headings)
    • c. References Page (must include all sources cited in your paper).
  3. Adhere to these guidelines related to mechanics/structure:
    • a. All lines of the paper must be evenly double-spaced.
    • b. Use 1” margins on all sides.
    • c. Avoid the use of a first-person perspective.
    • d. Do not include direct quotes (except for brief quotations from Scripture). Instead, re-write in your own words to demonstrate your understanding of the information.
    • e. Include an appropriate citation to identify your source(s) whenever you include information that is not considered common knowledge.
    • f. Check your work carefully to eliminate spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors.
    • g. Ensure a logical and clear flow by including appropriate transitions between
  4. Note that your assignment will be checked for originality via the SafeAssign plagiarism tool.
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