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IT Security Risk Mitigation Security Risk Assessment and Mitigation Planning

IT Security Risk Mitigation Security Risk Assessment and Mitigation Planning

IT systems are largely used in today’s world compared to a decade ago. Therefore, more security risks involving cybercrime have sufficed, so proper IT security risk measures are needed. The benefits of increased use of IT systems outweigh the drawbacks, leading to the option of implementing secure IT systems. To mitigate IT security risk, risk identification, assessment, and mitigation must be done (Kuzminykh et al., 2021). The entire identification, assessment, and mitigation process is identified as risk management (Larrimore, 2018).

Identifying IT risks includes checking on the possible risks (Kuzminykh et al., 2021). For example, an e-commerce business would predict IT risks such as phishing and denial of service attacks. Phishing would include obtaining customer information during online cash transactions and using the information to masquerade as a legal customer. Denial of service attacks would make the resources of an IT system to users. This would lead to the sabotage of business. After identifying such risks, a risk assessment would be conducted to predict the probability of taking place (Kuzminykh et al., 2021). The security risks would be listed in descending order, starting with the risk with the highest probability.

The next step after producing a risk assessment document would be to mitigate the risks (Mohammad & Syed, 2020). These would include selecting the best mitigation measure for each risk. There are four types of risk mitigation: acceptance, transfer, reduction, and avoidance. The acceptance measure is implemented when the risk to be mitigated has a low possibility of occurring while the transfer is done by including a third party, such as an insurance company. This is mainly for a risk that would harm a business. The reduction technique is done to minimize the possibility of risk and impact. The avoidance measure includes eliminating the possibility of a risk. This would be important for risks that have a high likelihood and adverse impact. For example, a denial of service attack would adversely impact an e-commerce business. This is because the core business operations would be halted. Customers would be unable to order and pay for goods, leading to zero business income. Therefore, such a risk should be avoided at all costs. This would include implementing the latest security measures, such as network and software patches. It would also involve network monitoring software and skilled personnel.

Mitigation planning is done after mitigation measures have been decided upon. This would include implementing the mitigation measures (Irsheida et al., 2022). For example, a mitigation team and plan would be formed and documented. With the example of a denial of service attack, persons responsible for network monitoring and scanning would be trained always to protect the network and respond if the attack happens. This would include detailed steps from attack identification to mitigation and elimination. It would also indicate who is responsible for each mitigation step. Mitigation planning ensures that risk has a low probability; if it happens, a swift response is made to minimize impact.

The topic of risk management covers risk assessment, mitigating, and mitigation planning (Larrimore, 2018). This makes it an all-inclusive topic that is essential in IT security; hence, choosing it as a favorite. Therefore, covering the topic of risk management enables an organization to handle possible security risks comprehensively.


Irsheida, A., Murada, A., AlNajdawia, M., & Qusefa, A. (2022). Information security risk management models for cloud hosted systems: A comparative study. Science Direct204, 205-217. Retrieved from

Kuzminykh, I., Ghita, B., Sokolov, V., & Bakhshi, T. (2021). Information Security Risk Assessment. MDPI1(50), 1-16. Retrieved from

Larrimore, N. P. (2018). Risk Management Strategies to Prevent and Mitigate Emerging Operational Security Threats (Doctoral dissertation, Walden University). Retrieved from

Mohammad, S. M., & Syed, H. H. (2020). Risk Management In Information Technology. International Journal Of Innovations In Engineering Research And Technology [Ijiert]7(5), 373-381. Retrieved from


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IT Security Risk Mitigation Security Risk Assessment and Mitigation Planning

IT Security Risk Mitigation Security Risk Assessment and Mitigation Planning

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