IOM Future of Nursing Report and Nursing
The Robert Wood Foundation Committee Initiative and development of the IOM Report
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Initiative’s work on the Future of Nursing substantially contributed to the development of the IOM’s “Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health” report. It provided the recommendations and insights into nursing practice that form the basic foundations of the IOM report. The Robert Wood Foundation Committee Initiative developed a two-year research program that collected data from the IOM, the healthcare industry, government facilities, and health organizations both at the state and federal level and on nursing education and practice. The committee then analyzed the data that had been collected. The data analysis facilitated the evaluation of the nursing profession in its entirety, from education, practice, and development opportunities available in nursing. The analysis focused on identifying the state of nursing practice, the state of nursing education, learning and development opportunities for nursing professionals, and the barriers related to advancing the nursing profession and practice. The findings of the Robert Wood Foundation Committee Initiative evaluation of the nursing profession based on the data assisted the committee in identifying the relationship between nurses and the quality of care, care accessibility, and value of care. The committee identified the need to transform the entire nursing profession. In addition, it recommended four key messages for the transformation focused on nursing education, nursing practice, professional development, nursing leadership, and healthcare workforce planning and policies in the United States.
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Key IOM Report Messages and their Influence on Advancing the Nursing Profession
Based on the recommendations of the Robert Wood Foundation Committee Initiative, the IOM report has four clear key messages that guide the advancement and transformation of the nursing profession. The recommendations influence the nursing profession in terms of practice, education, professional development, and advancement of the goals of the nursing profession in the United States.
Key Message 1: Nurses Should Practice To the Full Extent of Their Education and Training
The Key Message #1 influences the entire nursing practice. The message focuses on the need to transform the nursing practice to include new roles that help meet the needs of the changing healthcare system and the future health needs of the US’s diverse populations. The recommendations provided by the key message aim to reconceptualize the roles of nurses to cover the gaps in coverage and access to care as per the population’s health needs and the available physicians. Nurses are also expected to work to the best of their knowledge and certified specialty and demonstrate the highest level of professional knowledge and skills in practice within their field (Stucky & Wymer, 2020). This means the elimination of barriers related to the scope of nursing practice.
Key Message 2: Nurses Should Achieve Higher Levels of Education and Training through an Improved Education System That Promotes Seamless Academic Progression
Key Message, #2 of the IOM report establishes recommendations that influence the development and transformation of nursing education and training. The recommendation suggested that nursing education and training be changed and improved to meet the changing US health care systems (“Committee on the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation & Initiative on the Future of Nursing and the Institute of Medicine,” 2011). It also recommends changes in the education and training system to support the production of nursing skills to meet current and future healthcare needs and deliver quality and safe patient-centered care at all levels of the healthcare system. In line with the key messages, nurses are expected to engage in continuous academic progression to achieve higher education levels to qualify as Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs) and engage in independent practice (Phoenix & Chapman, 2020).
Key Message 3: Nurses Should Be Full Partners With Physicians and Other Health Professionals in Redesigning Health Care in the United States
The Key Message #3 influences the advancement of leadership in nursing. It establishes the need to recognize nurses as full partners in health care and essential system transformation elements. The recommendations in the message seek to expand on the opportunities for nurses to be leaders within healthcare systems. As the US healthcare system is transforming, nurses are viewed as potential drivers of change (Green, 2019).
Key Message 4: Effective Workforce Planning and Policy Making Require Better Data Collection and an Improved Information Infrastructure
Key Message #4 proposes approaches that help develop nursing workforce development and the advancement of the goals of the nursing profession. The key message identifies the need to use data and empirical evidence to support the transformation of the nursing profession to support the transformed healthcare system. This means utilizing workforce data, population data, patient data, disease data, and intervention data to assist with nursing workforce planning and the implementation of related policies.
State-Based Action Coalitions and Their Role in Advancing IOM Report Goals
State action coalitions are nationally initiated multi-stakeholder partnerships available in every state across the US with a focus on improving health care. State Action Coalitions play an integral part in the advancement and achievement of the IOM report across the US in various ways. Firstly, the State-Based Action Coalitions mobilize government and private sector partnerships to support collective action. The partnerships promote public health conversations and educate at the local level. They also encourage the involvement of the public in the transformation of the healthcare system to meet social and health needs. The partnerships aided by the State-Based Action Coalitions help identify local health needs, help improve public and private investment in health care, and promote practitioner education. They also identify intersectional discrimination in health care and support the systemic healthcare reforms to address structural inequalities and health disparities. State-based Action Coalitions are also led by nurses, further expanding nurses’ opportunities in health leadership as per the key messages of the IOM report.
New York Action Coalition Initiatives Advancing Nursing Profession
The New York State Action Coalition (NYSAC) has a mission and vision focused on facilitating and providing informed leadership to implement the recommendations of the IOM report across New York. The NYSAC intends to reduce the cost of care and improve the experiences of New Yorkers within the healthcare system. The NYSAC is focused on removing the barriers to the scope of practice for nurses to enable advanced practice nurses (APNs) to gain practice authority and practice to the full potential of their training and education. Another initiative of the NYSAC is focused on increasing the diversity in the nursing workforce to meet the diverse demands of the diverse population of New York and the United States. The NYSAC has influenced the health budget of New York and has seen an increase in funding to support health access provided by nurses. The NYSAC’s action campaign has also resulted in the employment of nurses in leadership positions, such as in the New York State Board for Nursing, for instance, Dr. Kenya Beard, the current board’s chairperson.
Barriers to Nursing Advancement in New York
New York is among the states in the US currently facing various barriers to advancing the nursing profession across the state. One major barrier is the current shortage of qualified nurse educators and an aged and retiring faculty. The shortage of nursing educators means that most registered nurses will miss out on the opportunity to advance their profession. There is also an issue of diversity in APN roles in New York due to the high costs of advancing nursing education. Moreover, the New York governance has currently collaborated with the private sector to improve the nursing faculty and education to support the advancement of nursing education. The state is also offering funding options for nurses from minority backgrounds to advance their education.
Committee on the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation & Initiative on the Future of Nursing and the Institute of Medicine. (2011). The future of nursing: Leading change, advancing health. The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health, 1–671.
Green, C. A. (2019). Workplace incivility: Nurse leaders as change agents. Nursing Management, 50(1), 51–53.
Phoenix, B. J., & Chapman, S. A. (2020). Effect of state regulatory environments on advanced psychiatric nursing practice. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 34(5), 370–376.
Stucky, C. H., & Wymer, J. A. (2020). Progressing toward specialty certification as the National Standard for Nursing. Nursing Forum, 55(3), 531–534.
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Review the IOM report, “The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health,” and explore the “Campaign for Action: State Action Coalition” website. In a 1,000-1,250 word paper, discuss the influence the IOM report and state-based action coalitions have had on nursing practice, nursing education, and nursing workforce development, and how they continue to advance the goals for the nursing profession.

IOM Future of Nursing Report and Nursing
Include the following:
Describe the work of the Robert Wood Foundation Committee Initiative that led to the IOM report, “Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health.”
Outline the four “Key Messages” that structure the IOM Report recommendations. Explain how these have transformed or influenced nursing practice, nursing education and training, nursing leadership, and nursing workforce development.
Provide examples.
Discuss the role of state-based action coalitions. Explain how these coalitions help advance the goals specified in the IOM report, “Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health.”
Research the initiatives on which your state’s action coalition is working. Summarize two initiatives spearheaded by your state’s action coalition. Discuss the ways these initiatives advance the nursing profession.
Describe barriers to advancement that currently exist in your state and explain how nursing advocates in your state overcome these barriers.
You are required to cite a minimum of three sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years, appropriate for the assignment criteria, and relevant to nursing practice.