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Interview with a Nurse Leader

Interview with a Nurse Leader

I interviewed Bryce Martin, a registered nurse in the medical surgical unit manager position at Medical City Fort Worth. This healthcare facility is located in Fort Worth, Texas. It has various departments that offer a range of healthcare services. This interview analyzes Bryce Martin’s role at the healthcare facility and explores other issues of concern regarding the facility.

Nursing and Inter-Professional Teams

According to the interviewee, the hospital has various nursing and interdisciplinary teams. Nurses are distributed across nine departments at the healthcare facility. The departments include pediatric, oncology, surgical, geriatric, emergency, critical care unit, obstetrics and gynecology, and cardiology. Every department has a unit manager who monitors daily activities and reports directly to the director of nursing services. The other team of interdisciplinary members comprises physicians, pharmacists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, dieticians, laboratory technologists, case managers, and administrators. Physicians are distributed across the nine nursing departments based on their specialty. For instance, oncologists are found in the oncology department, whereas cardiologists are found in the cardiology department. Pharmacists are in charge of the facility’s pharmacy. Laboratory technologists ensure that timely laboratory tests and imaging results are delivered promptly. According to the interviewee, the interdisciplinary team collaborates to improve the quality of patient care. For example, nurses work in concert with physicians and pharmacists in the medical-surgical unit to improve healthcare services.

A Nursing Practice that Has Changed

Bryce Martin reported that nurses in the medical-surgical unit and other departments had adopted various practices over the past year to reduce the incidence of medication administration errors. Firstly, they have embraced barcoding. This entails using barcodes to identify patients, medications, and their records. Barcoding ensures that the pertinent dose is administered to the right patient as prescribed (Tsegaye et al., 2020). Secondly, they have embraced double-checking. This requires an independent assessment by another nurse before medication administration (Koyama et al., 2020). Thirdly, they have started to embrace smart infusion pumps (SIPs). SIPs have software that alerts nurses about dosage errors to minimize the incidence of medication administration errors (Tsegaye et al., 2020).

The Impact of Change within the Organization

The interviewee reported that the change in nursing practice regarding medication administration has impacted the healthcare facility positively. Barcoding, double-checking, and the use of SIPs have reduced the incidence and prevalence of medication administration errors in healthcare facilities. Furthermore, Martin reported that these changes have improved the quality of care, as evidenced by high recovery rates and reduced hospitalizations. According to Martin, this has improved patient safety and patient satisfaction. By so doing, the facility has gained a positive reputation and a better competitive advantage. The interviewee reported that he plays a significant role in this change process. As a leader, he embraces open communication to motivate other nurses to remain committed to the departmental goals. He delegates duties effectively to ensure care coordination and promote accountability among members of his team. Furthermore, he performs performance evaluations and provides timely feedback.

Strategies Used for Fiscal and Human Resources

According to the interviewee, the healthcare facility uses four strategies to manage fiscal and human resources. These strategies have benefitted the facility by improving the quality of services, reducing treatment costs, and achieving patient-centeredness. Firstly, it focuses on human capital that fosters achieving its goals and objectives. In this context, the facility ensures that recruitment and hiring are competency-based. Members of the interdisciplinary team are recruited based on their knowledge and skills. This ensures that the best human capital is embraced. Secondly, the organization has adopted an open communication policy between leaders and employees. This strategy increases the likelihood of employee buy-in and ensures that they remain committed to organizational goals. Thirdly, the facility conducts adequate planning via the human resource department. Planning promotes the effective distribution of financial and human resources to promote a smooth flow of activities in various departments. Fourthly, the facility has elaborate performance metrics. These metrics evaluate the quality of service delivery as evidenced by the performance of specific metrics. For instance, when the number of nosocomial infections exceeds the organization’s metric, it reflects the reduced quality of service delivery.

Use of Technology at the Healthcare Facility

The healthcare facility has embraced technology in the delivery of healthcare services. Other than barcoding and SIPs, the interviewee reported that the facility has embraced the electronic health record (EHR) system. The EHR system improves workflow by minimizing paperwork and automating services (Rathert et al., 2019). This is associated with a low incidence of medication and billing errors. According to the interviewee, EHR has improved the quality of service delivery at the healthcare facility. It has led to a better clinical decision-making process via interdisciplinary collaboration and a clinical decision support system (Rathert et al., 2019).

Additionally, EHR has minimized errors related to legibility via computerized provider order entries (Rathert et al., 2019). The interviewee reported that EHR has been implemented in all departments. Furthermore, training enabled employees to use EHR effectively.

What do you consider your biggest challenge as a leader/manager?

Cultural Sensitivity: The healthcare facility has established various strategies to promote cultural unity. According to the interviewee, cultural unity has been an issue of concern over the past year. To address this problem, three strategies have been adopted. The healthcare facility has adopted a policy of patient-centeredness and holistic care. This approach ensures that the unique needs of all patients are considered and respected (Hughes et al., 2020). Secondly, the facility collaborates with translators to eliminate language barriers between patients and healthcare providers. Thirdly, the facility conducts periodic staff training on cultural sensitivity.

What do you Love Most about your Job?

The interviewee reported that he enjoys providing direction and collaborating with patients, nurses, and other members of the interdisciplinary team. As a unit manager, he monitors the activities of nurses working in the medical-surgical unit. This supervisory role has enabled him to collaborate with nurses and the interdisciplinary team working in the medical-surgical unit. He enjoys this aspect because it helps him develop leadership skills and professional competency. Additionally, he engages patients and their families to identify and address their concerns. According to him, patient engagement and his supervisory role have improved the quality of healthcare services in his unit.

Why did you choose this Job?

The interviewee revealed that he chose this Job because his vision and mission are harmonious with the organization’s vision of achieving quality care, patient-centeredness, and cost-effectiveness. As a unit manager, he aspired to transform workflow and service delivery in the medical-surgical unit. According to him, he has achieved this via an emphasis on evidence-based practice, collaboration, and performance evaluation. Also, the interviewee reported that he chose the Job to apply his leadership skills and achieve personal and professional growth. He is confident that he has achieved these skills.

What Other Kinds of Nursing/Other Job Did You Ever Do?

According to the interviewee, he has done various jobs over the past year. His first Job was as a sales representative at Clark Pest Control. This Job equipped him with inter-relationship skills that have been useful throughout his career. Furthermore, he worked as an accounting clerk. This role enabled him to gain knowledge in accounting and finance. Also, the interviewee worked as a registered nurse at Banner Health. The scope of his practice included patient assessment, implementation of treatment plans, patient monitoring, and patient education. He collaborated with other healthcare providers to achieve care coordination, holistic care, and a continuum of care. Company’ss Culture

The interviewee reported that his organization embraces a collectivistic culture. This culture emphasizes interdisciplinary collaboration. Employees are required to subordinate personal goals to the group’s goal (Shin et al., 2020). In this context, each department has its goals and objectives. The goals and objectives are consistent with the organizational mission and vision. As such, employees collaborate to achieve quality healthcare services, cost-effectiveness, and patient-centeredness. The leadership conducts periodic performance evaluations to determine the effectiveness and success of each team. According to the interviewee, this culture has enabled the facility to minimize conflict among employees and achieve evidence-based practice.

Role in Admission and Staffing Decisions

The interviewee is a key stakeholder in the decision-making process regarding admissions and staffing. Firstly, he supervises and monitors nurses in his unit to identify any grievances and the need for changes in nurse-to-patient ratios. After that, he reports the findings to the director of nursing. For example, four months ago, nurses reported fatigue and burnout. This formed the basis for recruiting two more nurses and reducing the duration of shifts. Secondly, he is involved in the training and development of new nurses. Training reinforces the competency of nurses by equipping them with knowledge and skills on current evidence-based practice.

Leadership Style

The interviewee embraces transformational leadership. According to him, he emphasizes changes in routine to achieve organizational goals and objectives. He is futuristic, and he seeks to inspire other employees to fulfill established goals. Furthermore, he is guided by the belief that modification of existing procedures and policies can help the organization achieve better outcomes. The interviewee acknowledges the strength of each employee and inspires them to achieve their potential. By so doing, he aims at increasing the productivity of each employee to achieve organizational goals and objectives.


Hughes, V., Delva, S., Nkimbeng, M., Spaulding, E., Turkson-Ocran, R. A., Cudjoe, J., Ford, A., Rushton, C., D’Aoustt, R., & Han, H. R. (2020). Not missing the opportunity: Strategies to promote cultural humility among future nursing faculty. Journal of Professional Nursing, 36(1), 28–33.

Koyama, A. K., Maddox, C. S. S., Li, L., Bucknall, T., & Westbrook, J. I. (2020). Effectiveness of double checking to reduce medication administration errors: A systematic review. BMJ Quality and Safety, 29(7), 595–603.

Rathert, C., Porter, T. H., Mittler, J. N., & Fleig-Palmer, M. (2019). Seven years after Meaningful Use: Physicians” and nurses” experiences with electronic health records. Health Care Management Review, 44(1), 30–40.

Shin, L. J., Armenta, C. N., Kamble, S. V., Chang, S. L., Wu, H. Y., & Lyubomirsky, S. (2020). Gratitude in collectivist and individualist cultures. Journal of Positive Psychology, 00(00), 598–604.

Tsegaye, D., Alem, G., Tessema, Z., & Alebachew, W. (2020). Medication administration errors and associated factors among nurses. International Journal of General Medicine, 13, 1621–1632.

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Interview with a Nurse Leader

You will engage with and interview a nurse leader in person. You may include photos, graphs, or charts.** This is not required
1. Choose a nurse leader who holds a leadership nursing position in their organization and who has direct reports (they supervise other employees). Examples of this include the Director of Nursing, the director, and the Unit Manager. *You may not be employed in the same facility as your interviewee or shadow during personal work hours* (If special accommodations need to be made, approval by your instructor is required first). *** You May Use Bryce Martin, Unit Manager
2. Develop an interview guide before conducting the interview. Identify information that you want to know before the interview and plan clarifying questions. You must include at least one question about technology/informatics.
3. Interview regarding their professional role in the organization and a current healthcare issue that is of interest to you (ethics, conflict management, budget, staffing, the culture of safety,” just culture,” career advancement, quality improvement, etc.). Identify the name of the organization and use the names of all involved (no anonymity). ***Name of Organization: Medical City Fort Worth**
4. Prepare a written report of the interview. ** This is not required to complete the assignment, just something to use as a guide for the assignment**
Required questions below. Feel free to add them to the list below, but these questions must be asked of your interviewee and answered.
• Please describe the nursing and inter-professional teams that operate in this facility/on this unit.
• Can you provide an example of a nursing practice that has been changed in the last year based on current best evidence?
• Please identify the impact of change within your organization and your role as leader/manager in this change process
• Please identify strategies used for fiscal and human resources that contribute to the organization’s ability to deliver quality, cost-effective, patient-centered care
• What do you consider your biggest challenge as a leader/manager?
• What do you love most about your Job?
• Why did you choose this Job?
• What other kinds of nursing/other jobs did you ever do?
• How would you describe your company’s culture?
• How would you describe your role in admission and staffing decisions?
• What is your leadership style?

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