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Integration of Evidence-Based Practice in APRN Protocols and Collaboration with Supervising Physicians

Integration of Evidence-Based Practice in APRN Protocols and Collaboration with Supervising Physicians

Evidence-based research and nursing theories are the foundations of nursing research, and clinical research develops knowledge that can be used for practice. Nursing theories help to improve practice. APRNs should critically appraise existing evidence to implement evidence-based practice (Fineout-Overholt, 2019). This will help them to design and implement strategies to evaluate healthcare outcomes, healthcare systems, and practice patterns within the healthcare environment. This helps them to integrate relevant research findings to implement practice guidelines and improve healthcare outcomes. APRNs can support clinical research and dissemination of evidence-based practice by designing research questions, conducting research, designing quality improvement projects, and incorporating evidence-based practice into nursing practice (Curtis et al., 2016). Clinical research will help obtain scientific evidence for the practice, and utilizing research skills will allow APRNs to generate fresh ideas that will improve healthcare outcomes.

In some states in the United States, nurse practitioners practice as independent practitioners and act as team leaders in implementing patient-centered care. This is, however, not the case in all states. Some APRNs must practice under the supervision of physicians, and it is thus essential for the nurse practitioner and the supervising physician. Collaboration involves working with the physician to deliver quality healthcare services. The collaboration should involve mutual respect, shared decision-making, defined roles, and trust (Kraus & DuBois, 2016). To ensure a successful collaborative relationship between themselves, the physician and the nurse practitioner must value and believe in each other’s competence. The NP must realize their limits and scope of practice to ensure no broken relationship between them and the supervising physician. There may, however, be challenges to the collaborative relationship, such as differences in ideologies and values (Kraus & DuBois, 2016).


Curtis, K., Fry, M., Shaban, R. Z., & Considine, J. (2016). Translating research findings to clinical nursing practice. Journal of Clinical Nursing26(5-6), 862-872.

Fineout-Overholt, E. (2019). A guide to a critical appraisal of evidence. Nursing Critical Care14(3), 24-30.

Kraus, E., & DuBois, J. M. (2016). Knowing your limits: A qualitative study of physician and nurse practitioner perspectives on NP independence in primary care. Journal of General Internal Medicine32(3), 284-290.


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APRN practice is based on standardized procedures and practice guidelines. Discuss how evidence-based research shapes and forms the protocols and guidelines by which APRN practice is mandated. Physicians are free to practice within their own individualized standards.

Integration of Evidence-Based Practice in APRN Protocols and Collaboration with Supervising Physicians

How do APRNs incorporate consultation and collaboration with their supervising MD while giving evidence-based care?

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