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Informed Decisions- The Role of Nursing Theory and Ethics in Practice

Informed Decisions- The Role of Nursing Theory and Ethics in Practice

Nursing theory can be used to describe and explain concepts and data collected in all aspects of nursing and human relations. Using nursing theory concepts leads to advancements in patient outcomes, illness reduction, and nursing as a profession improvement. Nurses’ collective knowledge, ideas, and experiences are used to develop the foundation for a theory, which is then tested and put into practice. The nursing theory uses, and application is a concept that many new and experienced nurses struggle to apply in practice.

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Understanding and applying nursing theory can help guide a nurse’s practice when a problem arises. The theory provides evidence-based information to help the nurse solve the problem. Nursing theories can be divided into “grand theory,” “middle-range theory,” and “nursing practice theory.” Grand theories are broad ideas that combine existing concepts and ideas to help explain specific nursing situations. A middle-range theory combines theory and research data to address problems in nursing practice. Finally, a practice theory is developed to address a specific set of practice interventions and associated outcomes. Theories are chosen and applied based on the topic and the desired outcomes.

Skills taught in schools and workplace skills are based on time-tested best practices or intensively researched theory-based discoveries. Developing a nursing theory typically starts with a single idea that must be researched and tested to determine its validity. Validated theories can then be used to guide best nursing practices. These theories can also solve problems in a nurse’s practice by directing a nurse’s decisions toward an appropriate and effective outcome. Theories can be applied to all aspects of problem-solving in nursing, resulting in holistic treatment options for patient care.

Ramona Mercer’s “Maternal Role Attainment Theory” is a middle-of-the-road theory that focuses on the emotional and psychological changes that a woman goes through when she becomes a mother. According to Mercer, this process is constantly changing and evolving. Mercer began by focusing on the needs of breastfeeding mothers, mothers with children with congenital disabilities, young mothers, and postpartum illnesses. Self-esteem and the maternal role quickly became a priority. The Maternal Role Attainment Theory is based on the development and interactions of a mother becoming attached to their child, gaining confidence in their new role as a caregiver, and gaining satisfaction due to the role (Krishna, 2014).

This paper will discuss mother-child bonding issues. The use of Ramona Mercer’s nursing theory to aid in new mother bonding and nursing education, as well as strategies for dealing with issues, rationale, and ethical difficulties, will be discussed.

Description of the Problem

Because of the numerous cultural, ethnic, and ideal differences, education is essential in nursing care for the role of motherhood (Chang et al., 2012). Educating nursing and healthcare staff on these distinctions can be as important as a medical professional understanding a patient’s physiology. Many issues concerning mother-child bonding can arise due to cultural differences, and educating both nursing staff and new mothers can improve the transition process of new mothers and their ability to accept their new role.

Many factors can influence a mother’s ability to bond with her child, accept and enjoy her new role, and be competent as a mother. These issues can be culturally influenced, resulting from pain, preconceived notions about pregnancy, pre- and postpartum depression, or a learned behavior at any time (Bornstein, 2012).

Because of the ideals, morals, and misconceptions of mothers and children, cultural beliefs and mannerisms can influence childbirth outcomes. Parenting styles reflect cultural customs, ceremonies, and resources, resulting in bond formation and parenting outcomes. The distinction between Western and Middle Eastern cultures exemplifies how cultures can influence the type of care received. The male head of household will represent and respond to the family’s needs and patients in Middle Eastern culture. Women are typically required to have same-sex providers, and the husband has the final say in any family treatment.

Self-perception and self-esteem are individual characteristics that can be positive or negative, and the nurse must deal with any issues arising from them. A mother’s self-esteem and perceived ability to care for her child can significantly impact bonding. Negative attitudes and low self-esteem can lead to postpartum depression and reduce a mother’s ability to bond with her child (Kokubu, Okanoo, &Sugiyama, 2012).

Surrogacy and the adoptive mother are other topics to consider when examining bonding issues. Like any other new mother-child relationship, the adoptive mother must be able to bond with the new child. In this situation, the mother’s culture, experiences, and self-views contribute to her ability to bond with and care for a new child.

A proper mother-child relationship is one of the most essential human interactions, and it can be considered crucial to a mother’s growth and well-being as well as the child’s development. When bonding issues are discovered, immediate intervention and appropriate education must be used to correct the problem and minimize any long-term effects. The Maternal Role Attainment Theory is a tremendously valuable resource for nurses who want to build solid maternal bonds while adhering to today’s expectations and nursing standards.

Theory Application to the Problem

The Maternal Role and attainment Theory concepts are based on Mercer’s views of her maternal self, feelings about the birthing experience, self-esteem, the ever-changing nature of motherhood, ideas about childbearing, health, strain, and conflict, satisfaction, bonding, baby health, and social support systems (emotional, educational, and physical support). Data from studies show that culture and socioeconomic status can be to blame for inequities in health care and a patient’s health (Abel & Frohlich, 2012). Knowing and understanding the differences that cultures create is critical in a clinical setting. This education on the differences between culture and socioeconomic status assists providers in putting new mothers in a position to achieve their motherhood goals.

This theory’s concepts state that perceptions of motherhood are formed through lifelong interactions, that behavioral reactions result from personality and development, that the newborn will affect the mother’s role attainment, and that the mother and child’s identity formation and bonding occur concurrently. The status of a mother in a community, culture, and support system influences both the mother’s abilities and the child’s behaviors (Otto & Keller, 2015). A provider can intervene and assist the mother in accepting her role by engaging the mother early in the childbirth process about perceptions and views of themselves.

In much of the United States and the Western world, cultural differences cause numerous problems in the childbirth process and the roles of mothers. Like many other aspects of nursing, bonding is influenced by socioeconomics, the mother’s conception of pregnancy, and, most importantly, culture. To provide the necessary care in all stages of the maternal process, hospitals and care providers must address disparities in care related to these factors through an extensive education program and diversity/cultural sensitivity training in all departments, from labor and delivery to pediatrics. The providers will be able to learn and understand the values and beliefs of another culture through extensive education, but they will also be able to reflect on personal beliefs (Wilson, D., 2012). It is critical that a provider understands the importance of other people’s beliefs in the healthcare process and that they never try to impose their ideas and values on others, regardless of the situation.

Explaining the importance of the new mother’s self-views and perceptions of motherhood can affect the overall experience of transitioning to the role of a new mother, how competent the mother is, and how well the mother and child bond when creating and providing educational material for healthcare providers. The new mother’s education should focus on the new mother understanding her new role about her ideas and beliefs. It may include what to expect when returning home, timelines for adjusting to motherhood, and how to bond with and care for the new child. Educational materials and experiences help students gain the knowledge they need to provide culturally sensitive and competent care (Wilson, L., 2012). Cultural knowledge aids in the process’s direction and construction.

Surrogate mothers face many of the same challenges as childbearing mothers (and sometimes even more), and Mercer’s theory can help alleviate some of the stress. Surrogacy, the process of c delivering a child for another, can raise ethical concerns about bonding. Still, by applying Mercer’s theory, bonding between the new mother and child is possible. It can be achieved with the “having months to prepare” process (Dow Education is an integral part of the tove” mother’s preparation and should include expectations for the child and bonding education programs.

From an ethical standpoint, we must provide quality care to all individuals, regardless of race, religion, or culture. Because personal beliefs and morals can differ significantly from person to person, it is critical to understand each individual before, during, and after the patient’s experiences.


Culture and ideals can significantly impact the process of childbirth and maternal bonding. Education is essential in the maternity setting to combat issues related to the maternal process. Hospital-based programs should be developed using theories such as Mercers to influence practices related to specific healthcare issues. Maternal bonding is an experience as unique as each mother and child, built on various mother-child interactions and growth. New mothers gain confidence and ability due to their culture, self-esteem, economic standing, and education, and this process differs for each mother. Mercer’s theory contributes to a better understanding of maternal bonding roles and how nurses can help mothers achieve a level of bonding. The theory addresses a wide range of issues that can interfere with bonding and, as a result, is an essential tool in the maternity care setting. When applied to problems and aspects of nursing practice, the Maternal Role Attainment Theory will direct actions that result in the best methods and practices for the situation.

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Abel T., & Frohlich, K. L. (2012). Capitals and capabilities: Linking structure and agency to reduce health inequalities. Social Science and Medicine 74(2): 236-244. doi:10.1016/j.socscimed.2011.10.028

Bornstein, M. H. (2012). Cultural approaches to parenting. Parenting: Science and Practice, 122-3): 212-221. doi: 10.1080/15295192.2012.683359

Chang, E., Simon, M., & Dong, X. (2012). Integrating cultural humility into health care professional education and training. Advances in Health Science Education, 17(2): 269- 278. doi: 10.1007/s10459-010-9264-1

Dow, K. (2015). A nine-month head-start: The maternal bond and surrogacy. Ethnos: Journal of Anthropology. doi: 10.1080/00141844.2015.1028957

Kokubu, M., Okano, T., & Sugiyama, T. (2012). Postnatal depression, maternal bonding failure, and negative attitudes towards pregnancy: a longitudinal study of pregnant women in Japan. Archives of Women’s Mental Health, 15(3): 211-216. doi: 10.1007/s00737-012- 0279-x

Otto, H., & Keller, H. (2015). A good child is calm: Mothers’ Social Status, maternal conceptions of proper demeanor, and stranger anxiety in one-year-old Cameroonian no children. Psychological Topics, 24(1): 1-25.

Krishna, R. A. (2014). Maternal role attainment theory. Narayana Nursing Journal, 3 (4), 15-17. Retrieved from

Wilson, D. R. (2012). Spirituality and culture are intertwined. International Journal of Childbirth Education, 27(1): 4-5

Wilson, L. (2012). Implications for childbearing practices. International Journal of Childbirth Education, 27(1): 10-17.


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As nurses gain experience and learn more about the science of nursing and nursing theory, the expected outcome is that nurses will have a deeper understanding of the discipline of nursing that will inform their decision-making. Nursing ethics are driven by the values that nurses hold as a collective, but the context of the situation will dictate how those ethics are applied.

Application of Nursing Theory

How has your worldview or philosophy of nursing changed or expanded based on what you learned in this nursing theory course?

Discussion Instructions: A page long, APA format, three resources from 2015 and above.

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