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Information System Application for Decision Making

Information System Application for Decision-Making

According to Nibbelink et al. (2018), decision-making is the most important aspect of healthcare, and when done incorrectly, it contributes to a higher percentage of hospital deaths each year. They record that nurses make approximately 238 critical decisions per hour. To improve patient outcomes, intensive care nurses must work in groups to receive updates on a patient’s status and respond to any upcoming complications. Intensive care nurses must have exceptional skills and knowledge in order to respond and make decisions effectively in the event of a change in patient status. Nonetheless, even with knowledge and skills, quick data and memory processing tends to impede accurate decision-making. Making decisions is made easier with an electronic health record. Medical technology is primarily concerned with patient diagnosis and treatment, whereas HIT is concerned with the supervision of care delivery, logistics, and clinical and financial process analysis (Lavin, Harper & Barr, 2015).

Nursing information service solutions improve patient safety and provide invaluable assistance in nursing practice. Nursing informatics combines nursing sciences, information, and intellect to provide more accurate information to patients. The goal of informatics is to convert patient data into information in order to improve patient outcomes. As a result, this paper discusses the use of Electronic Health Records (EHR) in healthcare to improve decision-making. It will also cover the impact of EHR on decision-making quality, the process of selecting and implementing EHR, the total costs associated with them, and the role of nurses in selecting and evaluating the application.

Electronic Health Records (EHRs) (EHR)

The Electronic Health Record was the first technological breakthrough in the healthcare industry. It collects, saves, and makes available critical patient information to enable decision-making and care planning. Every shift, nurses deal with hundreds of thousands of patient details. This demonstrates the complexities of their job. As a result, the EHR assists in making their jobs easier because it connects to hospital beds and etymology data monitors, which send warning alerts in the event of a problem. The EHR also allows for entry and accessibility, as well as security for patient information.

The Effect of EHR on Decision-Making Quality

EHR facilitates clinical practice and allows for quick decision-making. It is intended to collect, organize, and structure relevant data for both patients and clinicians (Friganovi, 2016). For starters, it reduces reliance on memory for data required to complete a task. It accomplishes this task by relating the assessment to the patient’s history. Second, by referencing variations and displaying trends, it reduces the use of theoretical and mental comparison and analysis of information. Third, it improves the ability to use evidence from research to supplement data from multiple sources when making decisions. Fourth, it makes data and findings more accessible to patients and other staff.

EHR Selection and Implementation

Many healthcare organizations are intimidated by the fact that EHR systems are becoming more complex and diverse, making the search difficult. Choice entails defining needs, priorities, mechanical abilities, and the availability of funds, as well as knowledge of the system that is appropriate for the facility setting. Regular site visits, vendor references, and several system demonstrations are required for a healthcare facility to select an EHR. Proper planning, testing, staff training, and communication with patients about the EHR system are required for successful implementations. The application facilitates access to patients’ medical histories, increases record portability, protects against theft and fire, and establishes a connection with pharmaceutical departments. The implementation process is a difficult task that must be completed with great care and proper planning.

Costs of Electronic Health Records

The main barrier to acquiring EHR systems and other clinical systems is the cost of purchasing and maintaining them. It requires appropriate financial incentives to encourage its adoption. EHR implementation and installation have costs and expenses. Prices differ according to the placement models used. It includes the purchase of built-in servers, licenses, and other fees that can be paid annually or monthly. It also includes high start-up costs and cybersecurity fees. It also includes storage facilities, data backup systems, and other components.

Some costs, on the other hand, may be indirect, such as budgeting for technology training for employees. Training is costly, and without proper planning, the costs can escalate even further. Furthermore, the systems are constantly being updated, necessitating additional training, which has a significant financial impact. Other unanticipated costs may arise; however, adhering to the right standards and ethical values can help to reduce some of the unanticipated costs.

Nurses’ Roles in EHR Selection and Evaluation

Documentation, storage, retrieval, sharing, management, and consumption have all been altered by electronic health records. Nurses are the primary users of EHR systems because they are the dominant group of caregivers in the healthcare delivery fraternity, they interact with the devices more frequently, and their skills are more advanced (Rojaas & Seckman, 2014). The Health Information System, on the other hand, is transforming the nursing profession due to the incorporation of advanced technology that necessitates skills. Nurses use the EHR to communicate patient data. As a result of their contact with the dealer, nurses are involved in the adoption and selection of the systems. According to Darvish et al. (2014), with the introduction of new technology, nurses have gained more decision-making authority. Because of the clinical implications of the technology, hospital administrators involve nurses in the selection process. The nurses also communicate and manage data, as well as provide a nursing perspective that is important for EHR evaluation. Primary nursing skills overlap with project management skills, so nurses must evaluate the systems. The nurses also provide assistance with system hardware and software maintenance in order to improve integration with facility information systems.


Nurse specialists and other clinicians from all disciplines who will be directly affected by the technology should be involved in EHR implementation. All medical stakeholders should be involved in the system design as well. The nurse informatics specialist will assist in preventing any potential hazards or concerns about the system’s functionality. To help alleviate any technological challenges, more nurses will apply for leadership positions in the informatics sector. In addition, healthcare facilities will hire more nurse informatics specialists. Intensive care nurses must make complex decisions in order to provide the best possible care to their patients. When patient data is combined with evidence-based research, health informatics provides significant support for nurses in their decision-making process. Because nursing outcomes rely on information technology, nurses should enroll in short courses and advanced educational programs to expand their knowledge.


Darvish, A., Bahramnezhad, F., Keyhanian, S., & Navidhamidi, M. (2014). The role of nursing informatics in promoting the quality of health care and the need for appropriate education. Global Journal of health science, 6(6), 11.

Friganović, A. (2016). Nursing and implementation of modern technology. Signa vitae: journal for intensive care and emergency medicine, 12(1.), 23-27.

Lavin, M. A., Harper, E., & Barr, N. (2015). Health information technology, patient safety, and professional nursing care documentation in acute care settings. Online J Issues Nurs, 20(2).

Nibbelink, C. W., Young, J. R., Carrington, J. M., & Brewer, B. B. (2018). Informatics Solutions for Application of Decision-Making Skills. Critical Care Nursing Clinics, 30(2), 237-246.

Rojas, C. L., & Seckman, C. A. (2014). The informatics nurse specialist’s role in electronic health record usability evaluation. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing, 32(5), 214-220.


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Identify the process for decision-making regarding technology. Discuss nursing’s role in identifying appropriate technology for practice.

Information System Applications for Decision Making

include the following:

1. One technology application used in health care to facilitate decision-making.
2. The application’s impact on the quality of decision-making.
3. The process for selecting and implementing the application.
4. The costs associated with the application.
5. Nurses’ role(s) in selecting and evaluating the application.

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