Infographic Summary
The infographic is designed in a very simple and easy way, such that it gives an easy-to-comprehend overview of the topic, which is power in public administration. I added a few visuals that I found exciting and engaging to help the reader create a mental image of what the content is about. These visuals will also help readers remember whatever they read later on by simply recalling them. I used contrasting typography sizes so that readers could tell apart the main subject and the sub-topics. In addition, since this is more of a formal infographic, I went for three main colours, all of which complement each other. When adding images, I preferred using only simple graphics instead of other types of images because I wanted consistency in the design. Lastly, I made sure there was enough space between the different sections. This space is known as negative space, and it helps make reading the infographic easier rather than overwhelming the reader (Lee, 2007). These spaces will also give the readers breathing room after every section to process the information.
Lee, D. H. (2007). Effective use of negative space in graphic design.
We’ll write everything from scratch
Imagine you are a manager for a public agency. As part of the new-hire training you run specifically for new public administrators in your agency, you want to create an infographic that explains the concept of power. Do the following:

Infographic Summary
1. Conduct some research on infographics: their purpose, how they are used, and best practices for making them. Choose a software platform to create your infographic (some suggestions are in the course materials).
2. Create an infographic that represents the different forms and sources of power for public administrators. Clearly show how these forms and sources affect public administrators and the duties they perform.
After you have created your infographic, write a brief 100-150-word explanation of why you designed the infographic the way you did.
Use a minimum of two scholarly resources to support your explanations.
While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected. Documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide located in the Student Success Center.