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Individualized Professional Development Plan

Individualized Professional Development Plan

Teacher–Mentor Professional-Development Plan”
Plan for learning about each other and creating adult learning opportunities Teacher/Mentee Name: Olivia Jeffery





o   My strengths consist of good organizational skills and classroom management.

o   I have a degree in Early Childhood Education.

o   My skills include flexibility, good communication skills, and collaboration.

o   I am often curious about how to personalize instruction for learners.

B. What weaknesses do you possess and why? How do you ensure a smooth transition to and from centers/areas? o   One of my weaknesses as a teacher is that I am too sympathetic and sometimes a little less patient with kids. I get irritated so fast when a learner cannot understand or copy a concept we just learned. Chu (2014) affirms that patience is critical for early childhood learners, as every learner has different development milestones.

o   I offer singing lessons to ensure students smoothly transition to and from centers. Therefore, any time we start singing, they know it is the right time to change centers to give someone else the opportunity in that center.

o   I also have a class bell. Anytime the learners hear the bell ring, they know they should be shifting centers.

C. What are your short-term purposes/goals? o   My short-term goal is to improve learning by personalizing and individualizing teaching for every learner so that they can grow at their own pace.

o   I will achieve this by working with learners closely and individually. I will also use groups and employ cooperative learning.

D. Long-term purposes/outcome. How will you achieve these goals? o   The long-term goal is to design tailored lesson plans to enhance kids’ growth and learning.

o   I will achieve this by closely monitoring the learners, determining their areas of weakness, designing better ways to help them, and continuing to collaborate with my colleagues.

E. Standard/knowledge area (attach relevant standards, and circle focus area) o   The suitable professional guidelines and standards that I desire to meet and which we will refer to are collaborating with families, child development partnering, and working with other educational experts to ensure the learners get the educational experiences possible.
F. Strategies for investigating and learning o   I will ensure I observe my educator mentor to learn more about assisting and exhibiting patience with young learners. I will be attentive to learning the techniques my mentor uses in the classroom and how they interact with and handles each learner.
G. Resources needed o   The necessary resources to help achieve my goals are videos, children’s story books, the curriculum, and proper training in developing a high-scope lesson plan that tailors learners’ needs and lesson objectives.

o   I also need additional training to individualize teaching for every child with the necessary materials to meet their needs appropriately.

H. Possible challenges o   My greatest challenge is patience and dealing with misbehavior in class. This is because I get irritated and angered so fast and fear punishing learners due to anger. Yet, I desire that they learn from their mistakes by correcting them.
I. Agreements o   Olivia Jeffery has my permission to interview me for her course, and I agree that the information will only be used for educational purposes, not research.
J. Planning for assessment/evaluation. o   I plan for evaluation and assessment by collaborating and communicating about whatever I recorded and observed.

o   We will plan for the next meeting and the steps needed to accomplish the set goals.


Chu, M. (2014). Developing mentoring and coaching relationships in early care and education: A reflective approach. Pearson.


We’ll write everything from scratch


After reading Chapter 4, find an early childhood teacher who is willing to speak with you as you create an individualized professional development plan based on Table 4.1 in your text. This should take approximately 30 minutes of the volunteer’s time. You may complete this document in person or on the phone, making sure you have provided the teacher with a copy of the document. Using the form, complete section I, rows A–J in Table 4.1 with the volunteer, taking detailed notes. Remember that this is a reciprocal process – it should feel like a conversation, and you should do more listening than talking. Use your notes to type your report, following the structure of Table 4.1.

Individualized Professional Development Plan

Include both Parts 1 and 2 in your Individualized professional development plan:

Part 1: Design a document based on Table 4.1 that will meet the specific needs of your volunteer’s early childhood programs. Make sure to include rows A-J.
Part 2: Fill out the document to with your volunteer.
The Individualized Professional Development Plan

Must be at least two double-spaced pages in length (excluding title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Writing Center Links to an external site..
Must include a separate title page with the following:
Title of Paper
Student’s name
Course name and number
Instructor’s name
Date submitted
Must cite the text as a reference to your created professional development plan form.
The Scholarly, Peer Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources Links to an external site.table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for an assignment.
Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Writing Center.
Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Writing Center.

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