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Important Update- Changes to Customer Service Process

Important Update- Changes to Customer Service Process

Various issues plague management techniques that the current executive team utilizes. The employees’ lack of accountability for their responsibilities, as well as daily expectations, set the tone for a total absence of personal goals and objectives that are related to work. since each employee’s responsibility remains unclear, confusion regarding their contribution to the organization arises. As a result, the consistency of their work and productivity is critical. Without an unobstructed vision of daily achievements, strategies for the fulfillment of daily responsibilities tend to be ineffective or nonexistent.

The resulting aspects within the workforce include low morale. When the management fails to communicate effectively with the subordinate employees, confusion sets in as members of staff blame each other for tasks that remain incomplete. Tasks that are not performed are likely to contribute to the confusion. It is impossible for the management team to hold each employee to a certain standard because none exist, or the roles are just unclear. This scenario has the potential to cause business failure and increase employee turnover while negatively affecting job satisfaction and output (Al Mamun & Hasan, 2017).

These observations have negatively and significantly impacted the customer service department, which represents most of the interactions that occur between the organization and its clients. Such ambiguity and reluctance to perform excellently risk the output of not only the customer service department but the entire organization, which relies on the specific department to pass or receive information from the clientele. Thus, urgent change in the current working structure is necessitated to ensure that all members of staff are aware of their responsibilities, are held accountable, and derive satisfaction from the achievement of the set objectives.

Need for Change Memo

Memo To: Customer Service Department Managers

Memo From: Mercy Kiel, CEO

Date:  October 8, 2021

Subject: Management techniques

Following the recent confusion that we have all witnessed in the organization, change of certain work procedures is inevitable. The customer service department, which conducts most of the interaction duties, is most affected. The effects have begun to ripple through the organizations’ departments affecting the output, productivity, and profitability of the entire organization. The organization has also lost a considerable number of talented employees due to the ambiguity that is experienced daily. This, without a doubt, demands that the department’s managers and subordinate staff seek better ways of doing business.

One of the proposed changes is the retraining of employees in the department. Staff training ensures that they are well-equipped to manage their responsibilities. This approach should increase their confidence more significantly (Sharma & Shirsath, 2014). Secondly, it is necessary to review the current job descriptions for all members of the customer service department. The job descriptions highlight specific roles that everyone should play in their position. This process should involve the employees to identify other responsibilities that remain unassigned to any specific position.

These processes are important for aligning the current roles to the organization’s objectives and ensuring they are sufficiently achieved. Employees will be expected to set goals alongside their supervisors. Achievement of these goals will rely on their efforts and strategies. These objectives will enhance accountability and eliminate ambiguity in the organization. The department’s managers are expected to organize and oversee the recommended actions for general organizational improvement. Involvement of all employees within the department is necessary for reduced resistance.


Al Mamun , C. A., & Hasan, N. (2017). Factors affecting employee turnover and sound retention strategies in business organization: A conceptual view. Problems and Perspectives in Management, 15(1), 63-71. doi:10.21511/ppm.15(1).2017.06

Sharma, V., & Shirsath, M. (2014). Training –A motivational tool. IOSR Journal of Business and Management, 16(3), 27-35.


We’ll write everything from scratch


communicating Process Change
For several reasons, changes in business processes require careful communication. First, businesses often rely on processes being carried out in a specific way, both to ensure quality results and to protect the business from costly errors. Second, everyone involved may have their own expectations, and leaving out a step or failing to clarify some aspect of the process may lead to different employees taking different approaches. Finally, while process changes may seem obvious to those who initiate them, the reasons may not be obvious to all employees involved. For all these reasons, misunderstandings, missteps, and errors can multiply rapidly when the desired approach is unclear.

Important Update- Changes to Customer Service Process

Imagine that you are the person responsible for communicating a change in a business process that affects all customer service representatives in a particular business. The four facts detailed in the Four Facts for Process Change in the Resources section outline the situation, which you must address by preparing precise, accurate communication. Your assignment is to create a clear, precise communication statement (a memo) for announcing a set of changes in an organizational process.

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