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Importance of a Compliance Plan

Importance of a Compliance Plan

Compliance plans are a vital aspect of a corporation. Countless people may have never heard of a compliance plan. A compliance plan is a plan that is put in place to aid in creating an overall plan to address responsibilities. All compliance plans have many similar features and differences. The first compliance plan I have found is MD Anderson Cancer Center’s plan. These plans are similar in that both goals are to prevent business conduct that doesn’t apply to any law or regulation. The second compliance plan I found is Mainline Health’s Compliance Plan. These plans have many different ideas. A difference between these plans is that the Mainlines plan has five goals to their compliance plan and is absorbed in a culture of Integrity. MD Anderson’s Plan concentrates on supporting MD Anderson’s vision AND helping the institution with its responsibilities. Mainline Health’s Compliance program is better because it encourages the institution to reach its goals and have a safe, successful plan. Their plan is well structured and easy to grasp quickly. A section that I believe should be added to MD Anderson Cancer Center’s plan should be titled “Open line of communication.” This section should be added to their plan to make it the “best” plan because it’s an anonymous tool for staff to report violations, suspected violations, or activity. This allows staff members to report any suspicions quickly and promptly. If the organization is small enough, an open-door policy is highly recommended.



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Importance of a Compliance Plan

Importance of a Compliance Plan

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Explain why creating a compliance plan is essential.

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