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Immigration And the Economy

Immigration And the Economy

Response to Classmate

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Hello, Interesting perspective you have; we could have allowed a celebrity or president from another country as an immigrant. This statement reminds me of President Obama, though not precisely an immigrant but had roots in Africa. So yes, it is true what the Bible says, by welcoming strangers, we may welcome angels. You have also pointed out that immigrants work harder for lesser pay, which is also true (Wheelan, 2010). They are driven by the need to succeed in the new country, care for their loved ones here and in their country of origin, and make a better life for their children. Although most, if not all, immigrants come to the country hardly knowing the culture and language of the US; it is only a matter of time before this turns around. So while first-generation immigrants come to the country as green as green can be, their children and lineages to follow are as American as Americans can be. The second generation acquires education and skills to match those of Native Americans. While this may take a decade or so, it tilts the balance, and before you know it, the second-generation immigrants are not on food stamps and government funding, among others, but instead are the ones working the highly skilled jobs. It pays off in the long run because the country has more skilled personnel contributing to its productivity.

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Wheelan, C. (2010). Naked economics: Undressing the dismal science. Chapter 6: Productivity and Human Capital


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The Economic Concept of Productivity

Question for topic

In exploring the economic concept of productivity, we understand why our standard of living is so much higher in the United States than in other parts of the world. How does the concept of productivity support our preference for free markets? Both of these issues lead to the economic issue of domestic and international income inequality. A business leader needs to understand the underlying causes and effects of these economic issues in the domestic and international business environments.

Immigration And the Economy

Immigration And the Economy

Topic Outcomes:

By the end of this session, students will be able to:

Articulate the biblical worldview on at least one current issue in the macroeconomic want to share this country. Like Leviticus reads, “I want to reside among foreigners in this land with advisement to not mistreat them.”

Classmate’s response

Immigration is a hot topic today, as it was in Biblical times. Leviticus 19 tells us to love our immigrants as ourselves. We not only don’t know who they are (Hebrews 13:2), but we love Christ in loving them (Matthew 25:35). They could be angels, they could be the president or a celebrity in another country, and our actions represent a whole country when we host them. Jesus tells us that welcoming them is welcoming Him. It’s, for this reason we should treat our immigrants well.

But what about the economy? Do they take our jobs? Sometimes. This can be seen in our texts’ argument that immigration helps the economy. They, on average, work harder for less money. They have lower unemployment than native-born citizens (Bonello & Lobo, 2015, pp. 137). Do they use our hospitals and food assistance for free? Sometimes.  Immigrants see higher levels of no health insurance, poverty, food stamps, and Medicaid (Boneello & Lobo, 2015, pp. 142). Government and hospital assistance is afforded to many working immigrants. Costs often covered by employers are transferred to tax-payers and hospital bill-payers. While this is a drag on better businesses, it does allow cheaper businesses to grow. The work ethic of immigrants might also inspire some low-achieving natives to work hard as well. The net economic impact is hard to quantify, but I lean towards immigrants not always benefiting the economy. This point is moot because we should welcome and love immigrants anyway.


Bonello, F., & Lobo, I. (2015). Taking sides: Clashing views on economic issues (16th ed.).

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