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Identify Your Personal Brand

Identify Your Personal Brand

A person’s brand creates a foundation for the development of self-confidence. According to Martinez & Shaker (2019), self-confidence influences a person’s success in their career and personal relationships. My personal brand has played a vital role in my personal and professional development. One of the traits that people in a room would recognize I have is extroversion. According to Hudson et al. (2016), extroverts are talkative, outgoing, and sociable. The people in the room would recognize that I am an extrovert because I would engage them in conversations about things we have in common to create and maintain a social connection. The second trait that they would recognize is adaptability. Armsworth et al. (2017) argue that adaptability includes adjusting one’s emotions, cognition, and behavior in response to new, changing, or uncertain conditions. The people in the room would recognize that I am adaptable because I would change my behavior and emotions to avoid making other people around me uncomfortable about my presence. The third trait that would be recognized is humility. The people in the room would recognize that I am humble because I would refrain from discussing my accomplishments and respect everyone. One of my skills that the people in the room would recognize is communication skills. The second skill is problem-solving skills. The third skill that the people in the room would recognize is teamwork skills.

My personal traits and skills are beneficial to an employer in various ways. For example, extroversion is essential in interacting with customers to understand their needs, thus enabling the employer to identify the changes that should be made to maintain a competitive advantage. Adaptability is beneficial to an employer because it prevents resistance to change, thus supporting organizational growth and development. Humility is beneficial to an employer because it enables the employee to follow all the rules and regulations within the work setting. Communication skills are essential to an employer because they facilitate the exchange of information and ideas between the employee and employer and among employees (Coffelt et al., 2019). Problem-solving skills are essential for an employer because they facilitate positive interaction between employees and other employees. Teamwork skills are important to an employer because they enhance the exchange of ideas among employees, thus promoting innovation.


Armsworth, P. R., Larson, E. R., & Boyer, A. G. (2017). Adaptability. Oxford Scholarship Online.

Coffelt, T. A., Grauman, D., & Smith, F. L. (2019). Employers’ perspectives on workplace communication skills: The meaning of communication skills. Business and Professional Communication Quarterly, 82(4), 418–439.

Hudson, S. W., & Ferguson, Jr. G. C. (2016). Leadership personalities: Extrovert, introvert or Ambivert? International Journal of Management and Economics Invention.

Martinez, G., & Shaker, E. (2019). Career and life planning. College of the Canyons.


We’ll write everything from scratch


Identify Your Personal Brand

A good way to think about how to define your personal brand is to imagine what people might say about you when you leave the room. After previewing this week’s Readings and Resources, be prepared to discuss the following:
Put yourself in that scenario.
List your three (3) traits and three (3) skills that those in the room would recognize that you have.
How are those traits and skills beneficial to an employer?
Reply to two classmates and further the discussion by asking questions or adding commentary. Responses should be at least 3–5 sentences

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