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Hyperthermia Case Study-Karen 68 years Old

Hyperthermia Case Study-Karen 68 years Old

Hyperthermia refers to a state in which the body temperature rises over its usual range as a result of either prolonged exposure to high temperatures or the body’s inability to adequately release heat (Saladin et al., 2021). It may arise due to environmental variables such as elevated temperatures, humidity, or extended physical activity, causing a disruption in the equilibrium between heat generation and heat dissipation.

Homeostasis is the capacity of an organism to sustain a consistent internal environment despite variations in external surroundings. In the context of hyperthermia, the body’s homeostasis systems work to keep body temperature within a narrow range to support optimal physiological functioning (Hall & Hall, 2020). When subjected to high temperatures, the body initiates cooling processes such as perspiration and vasodilation to disperse heat and sustain homeostasis.

According to Wasserman and Healy (2019), one way to lower body temperature is by using cold pads or spraying water on the skin. When water evaporates from the skin, it draws heat away from the body, which is why it feels cold when one sweats. Using cold pads and tepid water offers a regulated cooling technique to avert sudden fluctuations in temperature and the risk of bodily shock.

First aid volunteers administered tepid water to Karen instead of cold water to prevent possible problems such as vasoconstriction and shivering. Exposure to cold water may cause vasoconstriction, resulting in decreased blood flow to the skin and impeding heat dissipation. At the same time, shivering intensifies the creation of heat, making the hyperthermic situation worse. Using tepid water guarantees a steady decrease in temperature without causing any negative physiological reactions.

Karen’s predicament was hindered by the absence of potable water when she was running. Adequate hydration is essential for maintaining body temperature and facilitating physiological functions, including perspiration and heat dispersion during physical activity. Dehydration hampers the body’s capacity to adequately regulate temperature, hence increasing susceptibility to heat-related ailments such as hyperthermia. Ensuring enough hydration before, during, and after physical exertion is crucial for sustaining peak performance and averting heat-related problems.


Hall, J. E., & Hall, M. E. (2020). Guyton and Hall textbook of medical physiology e-book: Guyton and Hall textbook of medical physiology e-book. Elsevier Health Sciences.

Saladin, K. S., Gan, C. A., & Cushman, H. N. (2021). Anatomy & physiology: The unity of form and function. McGraw-Hill Education.

Wasserman, D. D., & Healy, M. (2019, June 16). Cooling techniques for hyperthermia. StatPearls – NCBI Bookshelf.


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Karen was 68 years old and in good health. She loved to run and had competed in numerous marathons (26.2 miles) throughout her 40s, 50s, and 60s. Recently, her primary care physician had cautioned her to slow down her running and take it easier on her body. Her physician, knowing that Karen was unlikely to stop running altogether, suggested that she limit her running to one-half marathon (13.1 miles) per month.

Hyperthermia Case Study-Karen 68 years Old

Hyperthermia Case Study-Karen 68 years Old

In March, Karen signed up for a half marathon and she eagerly awaited the start of the 7 am race. It was usually hot for that time of the year with temperatures reaching into the high 90s for the past several days. The temperature at the start of the race was already well into the 80s. She usually carried a water bottle with her on her races but this time, in her zeal to get to the race early, she forgot the bottle and left it at home. The first six miles went well but the temperature was starting to rise and Karen felt the effects on her strength and speed. Karen started to feel dizzy and tried to make it to the side of the street to sit down when everything went black.

Other racers notified the first aid station. Karen was shielded with an umbrella and sprayed with tepid water on her skin. Cool pads were placed on her forehead and neck. She was then transported to the local emergency room where the physicians diagnosed Karen with hyperthermia.

Answer the following questions and save your responses in a Microsoft Word document. Provide a scholarly resource in APA format to support your answers.

The doctors indicated that Karen had suffered from hyperthermia. What is hyperthermia?
How does homeostasis relate to hyperthermia?
How does the application of cool pads and spraying of water on the skin lower the body temperature?
Why did the first aid volunteers spray her with tepid water instead of cold water?
Did the lack of water to drink while she was running help or hinder her situation? Why?

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