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“On the one hand, they [the Humanities] are non-scientific, have little to do (at least directly) with business or economics, and they are not part of physical education or sports, either. On the other hand, though, they can deeply affect these more practical sides of life by informing how we think and express ourselves and how we anticipate and deal with change” (Jewell 5).

Whereas humanities are generally considered non-scientific in that they have no direct link with economics or business as well as with sports or education, they have a deep impact on the practical aspect of life as they inform the way individuals think, express themselves, and how they expect and handle change.

Humanities help us deal with life’s challenges and surprises even before they happen (Federal/State Partnership Staff). At a personal level, humanities have greatly helped me have a more positive approach. I know that life is full of challenges, and some of the challenges cannot be foretold. However, when the challenges come, I can handle them more positively. Accordingly, this helps me deal with various daily stressors.

For instance, COVID-19 struck during a time when nobody anticipated it and has drastically affected everyone’s lives. Further, Jewell claims, “In the COVID-19 pandemic, scientists may not know the final death rate for years, as the disease will continue to spread through poor, third-world countries long after the first vaccines are produced and sold in rich countries (148). When it became apparent that changes had to be made, particularly in regard to social distancing, which meant working and studying from home, the lives of various people had to change. It was not clear whether we would return to normalcy, and hopelessness and helplessness struck as time went by. During that time, I had a different perspective on the pandemic and used that time to spend more quality time with my family. I was also able to develop some new skills. Our homework help will you tons of energy and time required for your homework papers.

 Works Cited

Federal/State Partnership Staff. The humanities belong to everyone. National Endowment for the Humanities.,%2C%20politics%2C%20and%20daily%20lives.

Jewell, Richard. Experiencing the Humanities. Merlot. 2021.


We’ll write everything from scratch


“On the one hand, they [the Humanities] are nonscientific, have little to do (at least directly) with business or economics, and they are not part of physical education or sports, either. On the other hand, though, they can deeply affect these more practical sides of life by informing how we think and express ourselves and how we anticipate and deal with change. FYI, this is a humanity course


Place the quote at the top of your post.

Paraphrase the quote in your own words and mention briefly how it relates to the point of the entire reading. Please see tips on paraphrasing here.

Discuss how it relates to your relationship with the Humanities in your everyday life OR why you disagree with something in the quote.

Use at least one or two specific examples from your life or our culture to illustrate your points.

Use at least one additional quote from any of this week’s Required Readings in your discussion in your discussion.

Remember to use at least two quotes (one for part 1 and one for part 5) from the Required Learning Resources. Make sure to provide in-text citations in MLA format for both quotes.

Provide references for all sources in MLA format.

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