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“On the one hand, they [the Humanities] are nonscientific, have little to do (at least directly) with business or economics, and they are not part of physical education or sports, either. On the other hand, though, they can deeply affect these more practical sides of life by informing how we think and express ourselves and how we anticipate and deal with change.”

The humanities tend to be nonscientific, and they at least have little to do directly with economics or business, not forgetting that they do not belong to physical education or sports. Conversely, they have the facility to profoundly impact the more practical sides of life by enlightening how people think and express themselves and the way they expect and handle change.

The quote relates to the entire reading in that it gives insight into the meaning of the humanities. Typically, they are the fragment of knowledge and education that tend to increase the sense of thinking, knowing, and feeling. With diverse and crucial approaches, they have people’s cultures and civilizations into what they seemingly are. According to (Federal/State Partnership Staff 1), the humanities present people and communities with the chance to test actions or concepts and envisage their consequences.

The quote relates to my relationship with the humanities through my passion for dancing and how unpredictable events create an opportunity rather than sadness. So, I always had a passion for dancing, and I envisioned myself in a dancing career. Then, unfortunately, I had an injury, which would last for some time, which got me a little depressed. However, amid the depression, I realized there was so much I could do. I comprehended that I could appreciate dancing and other people dancing without feeling sad. I discovered other artistic things that became paying opportunities for me. In the end, the injury was one of the best things that happened to me, but I had to change my thinking, feel better, and deal with the change effectively, and it was only then that I discovered better artistic opportunities.

Works Cited

Federal/State Partnership Staff. “The humanities belong to everyone.” The National Endowment for the Humanities, 2013,


We’ll write everything from scratch


“On the one hand, they [the Humanities] are nonscientific, have little to do (at least directly) with business or economics, and they are not part of physical education or sports, either. On the other hand, though, they can deeply affect these more practical sides of life by informing how we think and express ourselves and how we anticipate and deal with change.”


Place the quote at the top of your post.

Paraphrase the quote in your own words and mention briefly how it relates to the point of the entire reading. Please see tips on paraphrasing here.

Discuss how it relates to your relationship with the Humanities in your everyday life OR why you disagree with something in the quote.

Use at least one or two specific examples from your life or our culture to illustrate your points.

Use at least one additional quote from any of this week’s Required Readings in your discussion in your discussion.

Remember to use at least two quotes (one for part 1 and one for part 5) from the Required Learning Resources. Make sure to provide in-text citations for both quotes in MLA format.

Provide references for all sources in MLA format.
please its humanities course

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