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Human Resource Cultural Fit

Human Resource Cultural Fit

Hiring Cultural Fit

Culture is an essential factor in the employee selection process. Workplace culture is the set of attitudes, expectations, behaviors, beliefs, and attitudes that employees share. Therefore, recruiters must ensure they hire employees who fit an organization’s unique cultural orientation.

Pre-Selection Methods

Pre-selection methods used by HR to ensure cultural fit include behavioral-based interviews. Interview questions should be modeled in a way that they can be used to determine whether candidates possess drivers core to an organization’s culture (Grossman & Grossman, 2009). Recruiters can ask an employee to share a dilemma they faced and how they responded. Accordingly, this will help the organization make a judgment.

Also, auditions can help the organization hire suitable candidates. The recruiting team can subject an employee to real-time role-playing or conduct simulations using online tools. For instance, Sunglass Hut conducts auditions by subjecting candidates to a live selling session (Grossman & Grossman, 2009). Where real-time simulation is impossible, managers can pose as customers and observe a candidate’s reactions. Auditions ought to come towards the end of the assessment exercise.


According to Gausepohl (2017), every company needs a clearly defined organizational culture. The culture can be communicated to potential employees through the company’s website. Besides, a company should incorporate a highlight of the corporate culture in job postings. Recruiters can emphasize the type of people they need for the job in the job postings. It could be someone who is customer-centric and innovative, among other critical organizational metrics.

Avoiding Bias

Bias may pose a serious problem for recruiters as they assess cultural fit. Therefore, methodical approaches must be put in place to avoid relying on emotions and intuition (Alonso, 2018). One way of ensuring a fair process is by using pre-determined benchmarks. Putting in place culturally sensitive and equitable tests will shun recruiters’ biases.


Alonso, R. (2018). Recruiting and Selecting for Fit. SSRN Electronic Journal.

Gausepohl, S. (2017). How to Hire an Employee for Cultural Fit. Business News Daily.

Grossman, R. J., & Grossman, R. J. (2009, February 2). How to Screen for Cultural Fit. SHRM.


We’ll write everything from scratch


It is important to ensure that a candidate fits into the culture of the organization.

Human Resource Cultural Fit

Human Resource Cultural Fit

What pre-employment selection methods can be used to find the best candidate that fits the culture of the organization? What message is sent to candidates about the interview process and selection methods of an organization? Clarify how HR can ensure any pre-employment assessments used are not inherently biased.

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