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How Various Leadership Theories Support Innovation and Entrepreneurial Spirit within Organizations

How Various Leadership Theories Support Innovation and Entrepreneurial Spirit within Organizations

We know leadership inspires others to work hard to accomplish important tasks. This is accomplished by leading, planning, controlling, and organizing. Every leader will have unique leadership traits, behaviours, and styles. Some of the leadership theories discussed in the textbook are contingency leadership approaches such as Fiedler’s contingency model, the Hersey-Blanchard situational model, House’s path-goal theory, the leader-member exchange theory, and the Vroom-Jago leader-participation model. Contingency leadership approaches point out that no one leadership style always works best. The best style properly matches the demands of each unique situation (Uhl-Bien et al., 2021). Leadership success starts by catering to your leadership style, depending on the situation. Adapting to the work environment here is key, and leaders must show they have the skills to provide leadership in every single work dynamic. This garners the trust of your followers, and workers will follow this lead.

Innovation and entrepreneurial spirit are created by providing inventiveness and effective entrepreneurial leadership. Entrepreneurial leadership is the source of new ideas, innovation and creativity. It occurs when people in organizations experience disruptive forces or see new opportunities and advocate innovative ways of addressing them (Uhl-Bien et al., 2021). Leaders who can cater for their leadership styles using contingency theories can provide the unique leadership required for changing work environments. This can only happen, however, if a leader can manage effectively and gather followership from their workforce. Followership is how individuals choose to engage with leaders in the leadership process. It represents an individual’s capacity or willingness to follow a leader (Uhl-Bien et al., 2021). People only follow their lead when they possess traits they want to follow. I believe these are charisma, emotional intelligence, high morals, integrity, and overall authentic leadership. Leaders who can adapt and provide the correct situational leadership styles will have followers who believe in their skills and are willing to think outside the box and put forth maximum effort for their groups. When followers are happy with their leadership model, this can provide innovation opportunities as workers are motivated, enthusiastic, and driven to go the extra mile.


Uhl-Bien, M., Piccolo, R.F., Schermerhorn, J. R. & Bachrach, D.G. (2021). MGT-420 organizational behaviour and management with WileyPLUS. Wiley & Sons.


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Review the leadership theories discussed in the textbook. Provide examples of how various theories support innovation and entrepreneurial spirit within organizations. What is the importance of followership in this regard?

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