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How Police Brutality Can Be Reduced

How Police Brutality Can Be Reduced

Police brutality has existed within American society for decades, and several cases still happen in the current times. Such brutalities range from harassment, non-physical brutality, assaults, deaths, and whipping and hanging by crowds like in the past. Alang (2018) asserts that current policing reflects the functions of land patrollers who were remunerated to supervise and maltreat blacks during the enslavement era. During this period, blacks and Latinos were often stopped, monitored, hanged and whipped by patrollers who perceived them as intruders. Therefore, police brutality is the excessive or unwanted use of power to ensure people adhere to rules; as such, police officers tend to use excessive force against people and violate civil rights (Harris et al., 2023). Unfortunately, police brutality in the U.S. is based on racism and ethnicity, and the police intentionally execute them to harm blacks and Latinos, as it has been observed in most circumstances. This has since raised concerns because most police officers act out too fast without any legal actions being taken against them, even after killing or harassing blacks and Latinos. I believe that police brutality can be reduced. So how can police brutality be reduced? The best solution to solving Police brutality is by having better data collection schemes, considering structural interventions, and everyone should be sensitive and rise to confront racism. Hire our assignment writing services in case your assignment is devastating you.

Better data collection structures are critical for reducing police brutality. Alang (2018) affirms that according to Edwards et al., there have been restrictions to the data gathered by federal organizations. Therefore, there is a need for better data collection agencies that are accurate and factual. It is because, as a societal health factor, police brutality governs how persons of color, play and live in the U.S. Graziano (2018) affirms that context remains an important factor in data collection. For instance, if the number of grownups living within a mile of the estate can be documented, keep tallies of employees who die or are hurt in their occupations; this can analytically help in gathering statistics about homicides and injuries triggered by police violence. Graziano (2018) states that better data collection would help understand how police brutality affects victims and whether the reactions to their experience are effective and adequate. Although secondary data presents several limitations about police brutality, universities, other local institutions, and land banks can assist in building capacity for data collection. Other states are already using and implementing machine learning and artificial intelligence techniques to monitor and quantify the problems of people of color. Therefore, the perfect solution to police brutality is to have better data collection systems than federal agencies.

Implementing place-based structural involvements that entail examining key policing institutions/departments, would help reduce police brutality. Place-based interventions give the opportunity to directly address structural racism by addressing the bigger structural factors that trigger police brutality. This is because place-based interventions function via the economic, biological and social paths that interfere with the well-being and security of societies. As such, the attrition of communal economic and social wealth will openly threaten the safety and health of society members. In addition, Alang (2018) says that Edward et al. proposed that these structural interventions, like place-based, should target regions with high police homicide risks. However, more approach systems should be considered than policies. This is because policies define specific societies and shape the delivery of community health factors such as police killings. For example, the eradication of Jim Crow laws helped minimize mortality among Blacks (Alang, 2018). Therefore, it is important to support the ending of destructive rules that indirectly or openly cause police harshness. For example, policies such as bringing back federal programs that offer technical help to local police organizations that desire to form trusting connections with the community, reinstating school vouchers that foster segregation and instituting a task force for decreasing crime and public security that traps immigration agents and police (Alang, 2018). Therefore, having place-based intervention approaches that interfere with the cycle of decay, crime and disorder by remediating dilapidated and untended land and buildings can help minimize violence and police brutality. Hypothetically, such contextual interferences can create safer streets where inhabitants interact positively, build trust and work collaboratively to re-establish social control within their neighbourhoods. Despite several challenges, such low-cost and innovative interventions will help minimize police brutality. Besides, examining the characteristics linked to various police institutions and departments that experience high numbers of police brutality encounters is a major way of understanding better and addressing racial differences within policing and its use of violence. However, it is hard to understand policing because it has been decentralized, with about 3000 sheriff’s offices and 18,000 police departments with completely different selection and training approaches (Hohl et al., 2019). Examining these institutions through agencies and using structural interventions like place-based will help reduce police brutality.

Finally, people should be sensitive and rise to confront racism to help reduce police brutality. Racism is the primary cause of police brutality in the U.S. This is explicit in William T Allan, a son of a slaveholder who wrote, “At our house, it is so common to hear their (the slaves’) screams, that we think nothing of it”(Alang, 2018). These were words written in 1834 to confirm that the whites had become so desensitized and used to the screams and cries of the blacks that they assumed nothing had happened. During the enslavement era, enslaved people would be whipped, hanged, or killed because land patrollers perceived them as trespassers who deserved harsh punishment. The same still exist; the white has experienced, witnessed and gotten used to black racism and police brutality. As William T once stated, they have become so insensitive to these disproportionate murders of people of color that they will think of nothing about it. In addition, Alang (2018) confirms that whites are uncomfortable confronting racism and as a result, it delays the bridging of the ethnic gaps in mortality and morbidity rate. Hohl et al. (2019) confirm that in the U.S, black Americans are convicted and arrested of crimes at disproportionately higher rates than whites, and within the country, persons are about to be two or three times more likely to face police brutality if they are Black than if they are white”. Such instances prove that racism is the primary factor that aids in contextualizing the results of Edwards et al. on police brutality. Therefore, eliminating racism is the only way to stop police brutality since, without it, health repercussions like police killings would not be dependent on a person’s ethnicity or race. Jansen (2009) encourages and challenges whites to interrogate what it is about their culture, community and society that enables them to normalize the killing of people of colour, yet they are also human. The only viable solution is for everyone to rise and confront racism in all dimensions, from culture to lifestyle to institutions and let everyone embrace diversity and togetherness, and the country will easily resolve police brutality concerns that claim the lives of so many blacks yearly.

Undoubtedly, police brutality has continued to claim the lives of many people of color. It threatens the life of many in the U.S. This began during the enslavement era when enslaved Black people were whipped, hanged or killed for being perceived as trespassers by land patrollers. Since then, police brutality has continued in the U.S. without any viable solution to reduce or solve this problem. Some of the possible solutions suggested and explained in this essay are better data collection systems since federal agencies have many limitations. Thus, using Artificial intelligence, and machine learning, having land banks, universities, and other local institutions can help improve the capacity for collecting data on police brutality and helping understand the plight of blacks and Latinos or people of color. Additionally, the country can implement structural involvements that entail place-based strategies and examining key policing bodies, as well as being sensitive to confronting racism would help reduce police brutality.


Alang, S. (2018). The more things change, the more things stay the same: race, ethnicity, and police brutality—American Journal of public health108(9), 1127.

Graziano, L. M. (2018). News media and perceptions of police: A state-of-the-art-review. Policing: an international journal42(2), 209-225.

Harris, L. K., Conklin, J. L., Woods-Giscombe, C. L., & Cortés, Y. I. (2023). Mapping definitions, measures and methodologies of assessing police violence in the health literature: a scoping review protocol. BMJ open13(3), e066946.

Hohl, B. C., Kondo, M. C., Kajeepeta, S., MacDonald, J. M., Theall, K. P., Zimmerman, M. A., & Branas, C. C. (2019). Creating safe and healthy neighbourhoods with place-based violence interventions. Health Affairs38(10), 1687-1694.

Jansen, J. D. (2009). Knowledge in the blood: Confronting race and the apartheid past. Stanford University Press.


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How Police Brutality Can Be Reduced

For Essay 3, you argue a solution to a problem. The problem can be anything you would like to work with. Your thesis statement for Essay 3 must include your stance or opinion (in this case, your solution to the problem) and your three supporting evidence points (or “reasons” for your solution to the problem). Be sure to review the week six lesson for more information about the essay.

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